Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

About us

Transformative research for sustainable development

The Research Institute for Sustainability conducts research with the goal of understanding, advancing, and guiding processes of societal change towards sustainable development. Our research approach is transformative, transdisciplinary, and co-creative.

Transformative sustainability research aims to bring together all relevant forms of knowledge generated both within and outside science in order to understand the problems of sustainable development, identify appropriate solutions, and support their implementation in cooperation with relevant actors and affected communities. RIFS involves these stakeholders in its transdisciplinary and co-creative research processes from the outset and does not view them as mere addressees of its research findings. 

Resarch Themes and Research Groups

RIFS conducts research on three overarching themes: Sustainability Transformations and Society, Transforming Human-Earth Interactions, Advancing Transdisciplinarity and Co-Creation. These activities are complemented by a Fellow Programme, which fosters global dialogue and connects researchers working in the field of transformative research for sustainable development.

Graphic of research themes and research groups

RIFS in the Helmholtz Association

RIFS belongs to the Helmholtz Association, embedded into the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and receives institutional funding in accordance with the terms of the Helmholtz Association. The Institute independently pursues its research and advisory activities within the thematic framework of the Helmholtz Association’s Program-oriented Funding and the statutes of the GFZ and RIFS.

In order to support its activities in transdisciplinary research, consulting and policy advice, which require close engagement with political and societal actors, the Institute also maintains internal units for press and communications, event management, and strategic science management.   

Scientific Directors

The Scientific Directors lead the Institute and are responsible for its research programme and cooperation with actors from policymaking and public administration, the business community, and civil society.

Advisory Board

An Advisory Board supports the Institute and its Scientific Directors by reviewing research outcomes and developing recommendations for the Institute’s strategic development. This body will be reconstituted shortly.

Internal Organisation

Research activities at RIFS are grouped into three overarching research themes. Each research theme is represented on the Research Integration Committee (RIC) by two Speakers. The RIC advises the Scientific Directors on research planning and strategic matters. In addition to the Scientific Directors, it is composed of the Theme Speakers, the heads of the Fellow Programme and Press & Communications, and the science management team.


Promoting equality of opportunity is crucial to fostering a sustainable and fair society. RIFS is inspired by the vision of a world in which all employees enjoy equal opportunities and a good work-life balance and in which diversity is acknowledged and accepted.

The GFZ and RIFS are committed to achieving gender parity across their workforce and actively promote equality in the workplace. Increasing the share of female employees, especially in management positions, is a central objective of this policy. Efforts to improve employees’ work-life balance through flexible working arrangements and other measures are defining aspects of the Institute's workplace culture. Gender equality, diversity, and discrimination are treated as cross-cutting issues at RIFS and play a role in all relevant strategic decisions and processes.

The GFZ Equal Opportunities Plan will apply to RIFS from 1 January 2023.

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