Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam


RIFS researchers publish scientific findings in journals, monographs and edited volumes. The Institute also publishes its own series of publications, including Policy Briefs, Policy Papers, Discussion Papers and Studies. The RIFS publications database can be accessed here.

Latest Publications

Academic Articles

Peer-reviewed research articles published in scientific journals. 
All academic articles

Monographs & Edited Volumes

Original scholarly works by RIFS researchers published either individually or in an edited volume. 
All Monographs & Edited Volumes

RIFS Policy Briefs & Papers

RIFS Policy briefs make recommendations for future policy and offer a compact analysis of present, emerging or anticipated challenges for sustainable development. Policy papers offer deeper analyses of sustainability challenges to support decision-making and present various development pathways as policy options. 
All RIFS Policy Briefs & Papers

RIFS Brochures

Special publications from our research projects. 
All RIFS Brochures

RIFS Studies

Research findings from RIFS projects not yet intended for publication in scientific journals or whose relevance makes a swift publication desireable.
All RIFS Studies 

RIFS Discussion Papers & Workshop Reports

Preliminary findings published to stimulate debate within the institute and the scientific community. Reports from workshops hosted by RIFS research projects and commentaries published by our researchers. 
All RIFS Discussion Papers & Workshop Reports


Publications by government bodies, foundations or other scientific organisations that include contributions from RIFS researchers. 
All Reports