Headline: Veranstaltungen in 2017

Generelle Informationen zu RIFS-Veranstaltungen finden Sie hier.

Climate Engineering Conference 2017

Climate engineering is becoming increasingly relevant within political, scientific, and cultural discussions of climate change. Building on the success of the first international climate engineering conference in 2014 (CEC14), by organizing CEC17 in October 2017, we strive to continue critical global discussions by bringing together the research, policy, and civic communities to discuss the highly complex and interlinked ethical, social and technical issues related to climate engineering.

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Potsdam Summer School

Potsdam Summer School brings together talented early career researchers and professionals from science and the public and private sectors from around the world to discuss frontier research questions relating to diverse issues around sustainable development, fostering international cooperation and

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Podiumsdiskussion: Paris und was nun?

Das Abkommen von Paris ist ein diplomatischer Durchbruch und eine Ikone internationaler Kooperation. Doch nicht nur der von US-Präsident Trump angekündigte Ausstieg der US-Regierung gefährdet die politische Umsetzung des ambitionierten Abkommens.

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The IASS at the UN Ocean Conference

With its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the United Nations has adopted an ambitious agenda for the future of human society through to 2030, that ranges from the alleviation of poverty and hunger, to economic growth and sustainable consumption. SDG 14 is dedicated to the protection of the oceans and the sustainable use of marine resources.

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European WRF-CHEM workshop in Potsdam, 2017

On June 1-2, 2017 a meeting of users of the WRF-CHEM regional chemistry-climate model based in and around Europe was held at IASS Potsdam, Germany. This meeting built on previous meetings of a German WRF-CHEM users group which had been held since 2013. These meetings serve to bring together experts and users based in and near Europe with varying degrees of experience using the WRF-CHEM modelling system in order to connect with each other, share information, exchange ideas, and discuss potential opportunities for collaboration.

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