Headline: Veranstaltungen in 2018

Generelle Informationen zu RIFS-Veranstaltungen finden Sie hier.

2nd KLASICA Taipei Symposium

The 2nd KLASICA Symposium will take place from 29 September to 2 October 2018 at the Risk Society and Policy Research Center (RSPRC) in Taipei, Taiwan. It will revolve around narratives of vision and identity that guide and motivate societal change toward sustainable futures and their applicability for modeling social dynamics. Applications to participate in the Symposium can be made up to 15 June.

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Carbon Capture and Utilisation Technologies - Technological status, environmental impacts, and policy developments.

The public event will consist of a presentation of findings by the contractor and followed by a panel discussion around key issue areas identified during the study. The panel will be composed of leading experts in the field of CCU from the side of academia, industry and policy, and will lead to discussions on topics such as current and future potential for CCU technologies in the EU, industry and research efforts, policy implications, links to EU climate objectives, energy issues, and impacts on other technologies (such as electrification, hydrogen, and renewables).

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Potsdam Summer School


The fifth Potsdam Summer School from 10 to 19 September 2018 will explore the terrestrial earth surface system, which is driven by geological, biological and climatic forces. Early-career scientists and young professionals with an interest in frontier research questions on sustainable development can apply to participate in the Summer School until 15 May.

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STRONG High Seas Expert Workshop:

‘Building a Strong High Seas Treaty - What is the Role for Regional Ocean Governance?’

Marine Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) cover about half of the planet’s surface, have high biodiversity and deliver important ecosystem services. While there is a growing economic and political interest in exploitation of marine resources in ABNJ, there is to date no comprehensive global instrument for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity in these areas (BBNJ).

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STRONG High Seas BBNJ Training for UN Negotiations

This training is targeted to support State delegates to the negotiations on an international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ). It will be the opportunity to bring together ministry representatives and UN negotiators from the Southeast Pacific and Southeast Atlantic regions.

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European Consortium for Political Research

Comparative Implementation of the SDGs in the Regional Seas

This panel will explore how different ocean governance efforts, including Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans, Regional Fisheries Bodies, Political and economic communities that engage in regional ocean governance, Leader-driven Regional Ocean Governance initiatives, and other ad hoc agreements and initiatives, respond to the challenges and opportunities in implementing SDG 14 and other ocean related SDGs.

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STRONG High Seas Webinar:

Marine Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction in the Southeast Pacific and Southeast Atlantic

Dealing with topics around the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in ABNJ, this webinar will specifically focus on the status and role of marine biodiversity in ABNJ, including the threats and challenges it faces as well as the opportunities for its conservation and sustainable use, both globally and in the Southeast Pacific and Southeast Atlantic regions.

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Auf 300 qm zeigt die Ausstellung FORSCHUNGSFENSTER spannende wissenschaftliche Forschungsprojekte aus Potsdam und Brandenburg. Die Fenster der sieben Ausstellungskuben geben einen Einblick in die reale Welt der Forscher und Entwickler und laden den Betrachter ein, mitzudenken und zu fragen. Es gibt 27 Fragen, zahlreiche Filme und einzigartige Objekte.

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