Headline: Veranstaltungen in 2020

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Change Forum zu Nachhaltigkeit: Junge Menschen diskutieren mit Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft

Wie können wir unser Leben nachhaltiger gestalten – auch angesichts der Veränderungen durch die Corona-Krise: Diese Frage treibt nicht nur Expert*innen aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft um, sondern vor allem auch die kommende Generation. Allerdings: In den direkten Austausch dazu kommen junge Menschen und Expert*innen noch eher selten. Genau dafür möchte die wpn2030 gemeinsam mit dem Tagesspiegel einen Raum schaffen.

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The Politics and Policies of Global Energy Transitions

Meeting the Paris climate targets requires the rapid decarbonization of energy systems around the world. Despite the dynamic development of renewable energy markets worldwide, a global transition to sustainable energy remains a deeply political process with far reaching implications. Further changes in policies and regulations are required to enable the development and diffusion of sustainable technologies and to reshape markets to meet the needs of fluctuating renewable energy sources. Social and political support is needed to legitimize ambitious policy solutions at a time of growing support for populist policy approaches. Moreover, as clean energy transitions start to unfold their socio-economic impacts, both evident and anticipated, are giving rise to political struggles at different levels of governance. They range from emerging shifts in the global geopolitics of energy (Van de Graaf and Verbruggen 2015; Overland 2019), to conflicts over energy technology and infrastructure decisions (Kuzemko et al 2019), and new forms of ownership and service delivery at the community-level (Kuzemko 2019).

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Tackling Inequalities for Planetary Health: a Conversation with UN Environment Program Executive Director Ms Inger Andersen

On 19 August, the Women Leaders for Planetary Health are honored to host Ms Inger Andersen, UN Environment Programme Executive Director, to learn about her organisation's role in combating inequalities and promote planetary health, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Organised by the Women Leaders for Planetary Health (WLPH), this webinar is part of the coffee break series "Knowledge for Change.-One Sip at Time", a 30min dialogue with inspiring leaders around the world.

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Am Wandel beteiligen, aber wie? Ein Erfahrungsaustausch für gelungene Partizipationspraxis in der Lausitz

Um die Erwartungen und Herausforderungen, mit denen regionale Akteurinnen und Akteure sowie Expertinnen und Experten in der Lausitz erfolgreich umzugehen gelernt haben, zu diskutieren und ihr Erfahrungswissen zu nutzen, lädt das Institut für transformative Nachhaltigkeitsforschung (IASS Potsdam) am 18. August 2020 zu einer Akteurskonferenz im Rahmen des Regionaldialogs ein.

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Fahrradkonzert (ABGESAGT)

Am 14. Juni finden in Potsdam unter dem Motto „ Mobil, Klimafreundlich & Nachhaltig“ die Fahrradkonzerte statt, die seit 2009 vom Büro der Musikfestspiele Potsdam organisiert werden. In diesem Jahr wird das IASS eine der Stationen sein. Von 12:30 bis 14:30 Uhr sind unsere Tore für BesucherInnen geöffnet.

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IOG-Forum - Thematic Working Groups

With the International Ocean Governance Forum (IOG-Forum), the European Commission together with the European External Action Service (EEAS) is developing a new discussion and exchange platform for international ocean governance under the lead of the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG Mare). As a kick-off, the three thematic working groups will offer online webinars between 22 and 24 April 2020 to present the objectives and contents of the IOG Forum and the thematic working groups.

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CIFE-IASS Workshop: Systemic Risks, Geopolitics of the Energy Transition, Global Digital Economy

What are the best pathways for sustainable futures? Master in Global Economic Governance & Public Affairs run an international dialogue with researchers of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS). Better Governance is at the core of major challenges of the 21st century such as Systemic Risks and the Covid19 crises, the Geopolitics of the Energy Transition, Global Digital Economy”.

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