Overline: Academic statement
Headline: Proposals on the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement and the Environment

Mercosur-EU Agreement
Shutterstock/Beto Gomez

Together with an interdisciplinary group of academic experts, we were invited to develop a set of practical proposals to address serious environmental issues raised by the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement (EUMAA).
While recognising the broader developmental and human rights context in which EUMAA is taking place, the statement concentrates on five priority issues:

(1) Addressing deforestation in the Amazon and in other biomes;
(2) Combating broader issues of climate change and environmental degradation;
(3) Recognising the asymmetry of the trading relationship between the EU and Mercosur and its impacts on the sustainable development of the Mercosur region;
(4) Improving the evidence base and consultation arrangements in relation to the environmental impacts of the EUMAA and future agreements;
(5) Supporting the environmental efforts of civil society organisations (CSOs).

These proposals, which were published at the University of Warwick website and sent to members of the European Parliament, European Commission, national governments and civil society organisations, are intended to serve as benchmarks against which to measure environmental reforms to the EUMAA that are currently being negotiated by the EU and Mercosur countries.


Dr. Dhanalekshmy Sivani am 27.02.2021 - 20:25

The EU negotiated a trade agreement with the four founding member countries that Common Market of South. Both the EU and Mercosur share reciprocal advantages and faces limitations for addressing real-world issues. So the SDGs of both locations will be under pressure especially in pandemic situations too. I would like to contribute a paper on Sustainable Development issues on Mercosur from both sides.

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