Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam


China in the Emerging Hydrogen Economy

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The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) and KAS RECAP are organising a webinar discussing the impacts of China’s new hydrogen strategy.

In March 2022, China launched its first comprehensive strategy for the promotion of its hydrogen sector. While China has a long-standing policy in support of fuel cell electric vehicles, the new strategy now also includes explicit targets for renewable hydrogen production, albeit at a relatively modest scale. It also emphasizes the need to expand manufacturing capacity and promote R&D in the field of electrolyzers and fuel cells.

This event is based on a comprehensive IASS-CUHK study on China's emerging hydrogen economy, it will explore the likely impacts of China’s new hydrogen strategy, both on developments in the country and the emerging international hydrogen economy. What are important drivers of China’s hydrogen economy? What is its relationship to decarbonization in China? What kind of support does the Chinese government grant to promote hydrogen development in China? What are remaining challenges and bottlenecks? How will it position China within the international hydrogen sector?

The study will be published in January 2023. It was supported by funding from Germany's Federal Foreign Office within the project "Geopolitics of the Energy Transformation: Implications of an International Hydrogen Economy.

More information:

China’s Emerging Hydrogen Economy: Policies, Institutions and Actors: Presentation by Xiaohan Gong & Rainer Quitzow (PDF)


Rainer Quitzow

Prof. Dr. Rainer Quitzow

Research Group Leader
rainer [dot] quitzow [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de
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