Overline: Potsdam Summer School 2022
Headline: Climate, Energy and Nature in a Changing World

biodiversity PSS2022 Potsdam Summer School
Towards a Sustainable Transformation - Climate, Energy and Nature in a Changing World. Shutterstock/ ricochet64

On the overarching theme of "Towards a Sustainable Transformation - Climate, Energy and Nature in a Changing World," the Potsdam Summer School 2022 will continue as a transdisciplinary and interactive series of events.

Humanity is facing a major challenge: climate change threatens the foundations of life. To preserve them, the fossil age must come to an end. An all-encompassing transformation is imminent that will lead to profound changes in production methods, the way of transportation and lifestyles. However, humanity is only at the beginning of the great change that may bring both benefits and inequalities. It is important to shape this change in an equitable and sustainable way, while protecting the environment and securing the future lives of people in all regions of the world.

The goal of the Potsdam Summer School is to bring together talented young scientists and young professionals from the private sector, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations from different parts of the world to discuss frontier (research) issues related to future sustainable development. In doing so, the organizing institutions of the Potsdam Summer School promote international cooperation and an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas.

Read more here!

Video about Potsdam Summer School 2019