Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Colloquium: The Climates of History

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In the run-up to the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, the German Historical Institute Paris (DHIP) and the IASS are examining the issue of climate change from an historical perspective and will hold a colloquium in honour of Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, a pioneer of historical climate research, on 16 and 17 November 2015. Since it first arose in the early 1950s, historical climate research, a highly innovative and still relatively young discipline at the interface of the humanities and the natural sciences, has extended its spectrum as well as its geographical and temporal horizons. The colloquium in Paris will unite different research strands in order to discuss the current state of the art. Particular attention will be paid to the globalisation of historical climate research, the significance of climate research to the debate on recent anthropogenic climate change, and the question of whether the classical divide between human and natural history is reasonable.

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