Headline: Facing the Future: Human Ecology & Higher Education


Registration for the conference is now open. Join us live in Potsdam at the IASS

The times are over when scientists shut themselves off from other disciplines and find solutions for "their" problems alone. Problems such as the climate crisis, peace and security and pandemics cannot be solved by one discipline. Human ecology advocates cross- and transdisciplinary approaches that pave the way for a more sustainable and solidarity-based future.

This conference aims to bring together the diversity of teachers, researchers, students and practitioners practicing inter- and transdisciplinary concepts and human ecological approaches. The international program will discuss the new challenges for academic and implementation-oriented work in the future. Participants will explore which concepts and approaches are suitable to support the required transformation and which of them are seen by the learners and designers of Generation Greta as suitable to address the complex and diverse challenges.

We invite everyone to make an active contribution to the conference. Contributions can address one (among others) of the following topics:

  • Safe food production, food and meal culture.
  • Climate impact and resilience in cities and regions
  • Sustainable mobility in centers and periphery
  • Biodiversity
  • Demographic change
  • Cultural diversity
  • Resource access and distribution equity

Beyond that, we look forward to your further suggestions and to your contributions and active participation not only from human ecology, but from all backgrounds that want to bring new perspectives to higher education. Conference language is English. The aim is to publish the contributions internationally in order to remain in the conversation beyond the conference.

We have made you curious and you want to know more? Then take a look at our website: https://www.coh-europe.de/index.php/en/conference-2022. You can also find the conference programme there.

For any questions, please contact us by email to conference2022 [at] coh-europe [dot] de (conference2022[at]coh-europe[dot]de).
