Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Public Event: Natural Hazards, Georisks and Globalisation

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As part of the Geo.X conference 2015, experts from the geosciences and risk research, as well as stakeholders from politics, economy, and  authorities develop recommendations how prospective georisk research can contribute effectively to the development of risk-governance structures. These recommendations will take into account conclusions from the 'Hyogo Framework for Action', approved by the UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 in Sendai (Japan).

Results will be discussed at the closing event of the Geo.X Conference 2015 by:

  • Prof. Dr. Klaus Töpfer, IASS Potsdam
  • Prof. Dr. Reinhard Hüttl, German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ)
  • Albrecht Broemme, Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW)
  • Dr. Hinrich Thölken, Federal Foreign Office
  • Prof. Dr. Jakob Rhyner, United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security

The discussion will be moderated by Marie-Luise Beck of Deutsches Klima-Konsortium (DKK).

  • Venue: Wasserturm, EUREF-Campus 13, Torgauer Str. 12-15, 10829 Berlin
  • Date and time: Thursday, 26 March 2015, 4:15-8 p.m.

There will be simultaneous translation from German into English. Attendance is free of charge. Please register here:

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