Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

Vernissage: "Soils speaks" – The struggle of India’s landless people for their rights

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If the soil could speak, it would recount the story of the tens of thousands of Indians who are campaigning for their right to land. Mobilised by the Indian people’s movement Ekta Parishad, tens of thousands of people have been regularly marching through India since 1999. They are demanding government land reforms in order to secure the use of ground, water, food and forests. More than 10,000 villages have taken part in these marches during the past few years. The villagers live from the food that they cultivate themselves. However, they do not always have access to vital resources such as land, drinking water and forest resources, since these are not sufficiently secured through ownership and usage rights.

The “Soil speaks” exhibition, which is organized by the IASS Potsdam in conjunction with the Heinrich Böll Foundation as part of the Global Soil Week, portrays the struggle of India’s landless people for their rights. The Vernissage is being held on 25 October from 8.00 pm. The exhibition can be seen at the premises of the Heinrich Böll Foundation until 15 November, Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.

With photographs, art installations, comic drawings and a documentary film, the activists show what community participation looks like in the largest democracy in the world.

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