Headline: IASS Potsdam: "1000 Questions, One City"

What does a mobile phone consist of? Is it possible to forecast not only the weather but also the quality of air? CO2 – what does it have to do with my life?

On Saturday, 8th of June 2013, the first Potsdam Day of Science, themed “1000 Questions, one city” took place and the IASS participated. On that day more than 20 research institutions from the state capital of Potsdam and the federal state of Brandenburg presented their work – from 11am until 6 pm laboratories and lecture rooms all around the city opened their doors. Scientists invited the public to presentations, exhibitions and experiments. The experts of the IASS were available for questions concerning the following topics:

Is it possible to forecast not only the weather but also the quality of air? (German)

Everyone knows weather forecasts: Will it be warm or cold? Will the sun shine or will it rain? This information is regarded as normal nowadays. However, it is also possible to forecast the concentration of various pollutants in the atmosphere. Using the example of the dispersion of carbon monoxide, researchers of the IASS Cluster “Sustainable Interactions with the Atmosphere” (SIWA) show how air quality is influenced even in far-away regions.

Place: Neuer Markt, Platz
Time: 11am-5pm

The “Rohstoff –Expedition” (raw material expedition): Why does my mobile phone consist of? (German)

What does my mobile phone consist of? Where do the raw materials in my cell phone come from and what happens if I simply throw my old device into the bin? Am I allowed to throw it away? The Mobile Phone – “Rohtstoffbox” (box of raw materials) explains vividly which raw materials are used for mobile phones and makes them “tangible” – literally - as with us you are not only allowed to watch, but also to touch and explore.

Place: Neuer Markt, Platz
Time: 11 am-3pm and 4-5pm

In a workshop from 3pm to 4pm the environmental scientist Silke Reimann will explain the components of a mobile phone in a more detailed way. You will find us in the Haus der Brandenburgisch-Preußischen Geschichte, Schloßstraße 12.

Was steckt eigentlich alles in einem Handy?


CO2 – what does it have to do with me?

The media has reported a lot about global climate negotiations, regulations of CO2 Emissions and the greenhouse effect. But which impact does this have on my life? How does my lifestyle contribute to CO2 Emissions and what can I do to live more climate-friendly? Generate your own carbon footprint in a playful way and find out how CO2 intensive the consumption of meat is in contrast to vegetarian food or green electricity in comparison to fossil fuel.

Place: Neuer Markt, Platz
Time: 11am-5pm