Headline: IASS signs Agreement with Italian National Research Council

Potsdam, May 11, 2012. The Italian Ambassador in Berlin, Michele Valensise, hosted the signing ceremony of a cooperation agreement between the Italian National Research Council (CNR) and the IASS in the presence of the Italian Minister of Education, University and Research Prof. Francesco Profumo, who was visiting the German capital.

The agreement, whose idea was conceived on the sidelines of the meeting of the leading Italian scientists in the world held recently by the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and co-chaired by Minister Profumo in Rome, was finalized in a very short time and signed by the Vice President of CNR Prof. Maria Cristina Messa and by the three Directors of IASS. It foresees the implementation of joint projects for sustainable development that will be elaborated by working groups of the two institutions. The priority areas of cooperation will cover renewable energy, climate change and environmental protection.
Minister Profumo expressed deep appreciation for the signing of the agreement and the hope to strengthen cooperation in science between the institutions of both Countries as well as at European level, also in view of the joint participation of Italy and Germany to the European Research Programme Horizon 2020.