Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Kopernikus Project “Energy Transition Navigation System” to Kick Off in Berlin 19–21 December


The implementation of the energy transition is already well under way. But how can we ensure that its outcomes are socially, ecologically, and economically sustainable? This is the focus of the Kopernikus research projects, the largest research initiative for the energy transition established to date by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The IASS will take the helm of one of four Kopernikus projects and will supervise the development of an “Energy Transition Navigation System for the Recognition, Analysis, and Simulation of Systemic Linkages” under the leadership of IASS Scientific Director Ortwin Renn.

In cooperation with its research partners, the IASS aims to develop a system to facilitate the integration of all of the involved systems. The other three Kopernikus projects are: “Storage and Conversion of Renewable Energy”, “Development of Electricity Grids” and “Realignment of Industrial Processes” The projects have been established as alliances of research consortia. Up to €40 million in funding is available annually over the initial three-year funding period. In addition to this, the federal government plans to invest a further €280 million from its Energy Research Programme in the Kopernikus projects by 2025. A total of €100 million in funding has been earmarked for the “Energy Transition Navigation System” project coordinated by the IASS over its ten-year lifetime.

Kick-off in December in Berlin

The three successful research consortia were announced in April and the first three-year funding period is now commencing. The project’s head office is currently being establishing at the IASS. Stefan Stückrad, who has worked at the IASS for many years and has extensive experience in the management of energy transition projects, has been appointed as the project’s Scientific Coordinator. The research effort will be shared across the consortium in 13 work packages, the results of which are to be tested in model regions and living laboratories.

The number of institutions contributing to the development of the Energy Transition Navigation System in this IASS-coordinated project has grown considerably from a foundation of 64 original partners to 90 institutions in the lead-up to its official launch. The universities, non-university institutions, industrial enterprises, and partners from civil society participating in the project are flanked by an additional 26 businesses that will provide expertise as associated partners or members of competence teams.

The start of the project will be marked by a large meeting of the participating organisations in Berlin on 19–21 December. The meeting, which will provide participants with an overview of the project’s scope and the organisation of the consortium, will host the inaugural meetings of the work package groups and provide an opportunity for the partners to meet and forge new ties. This kick-off event is expected to attract 220 participants.

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