Headline: Mind the Gap – Climate Engineering between Models and Reality

On the evening of the 16th of April at 6 pm the IASS will be hosting a public panel discussion on Geoengineering, the idea that we can potentially reverse some effects of climate change by artificial means and a research project aiming to produce a robust climate model assessment of this idea.

The panel discussion will be chaired by Mark Lawrence, scientific director of the Sustainable Interactions with the Atmosphere cluster of the IASS and consist of researchers from the Geoengineering model intercomparison project (geoMIP) and from the Climate Engineering research microcosm at the IASS: Alan Robock, Hauke Schmidt, Ben Kravitz, Thilo Wiertz and Stefan Schäfer.

The research project gathered climate modelling groups from around the world to assess a technique that would aim to reproduce the climate-cooling effects of large volcanic eruptions, analysing the climate effects and side-effects, such as on agricultural productivity. The discussion which will take place at the end of a two-day internal workshop will cover the history of the modelling project and link this to some of the broader issues which geoengineering raises.

Date: April 16, 2013
Time: 6pm
Place: IASS Potsdam, Villa, Berliner Straße 130, 14467 Potsdam
Language: The discussion will be entirely in English

Registration is necessary: Please contact peter [dot] irvine [at] iass-potsdam [dot] de (subject: Registration%20for%20Panel%20Discussion) (peter[dot]irvine[at]iass-potsdam[dot]de) for more information and for registration.