Headline: A threat to health and climate: Short-Lived Climate-forcing Pollutants – IASS brochure published

Cover Schadstoffe

One medium connects all people: the air. How we look after it has far-reaching implications, since air pollution and climate warming pose an immediate and global threat to our environment, health and food security. Particularly carbon dioxide emissions are considered a major cause for the global rise in temperatures. However, Short-Lived Climate-forcing Pollutants (SLCPs) such as methane, ozone and soot also considerably contribute to climate change.


Full Cover Schadstoffe Broschüre

The extent to which air pollution and climate change are linked to each other and how both problems can be jointly tackled is shown by the latest brochure “Gefahr für Gesundheit und Klima: Kurzlebige klimawirksame Schadstoffe” (A threat to health and climate: Short-Lived Climate-forcing Pollutants), which has been published recently by the IASS research project ClimPol. It provides an overview of the most important SLCPs, their emission sources and their significance for climate, health and eco-systems, as well as strategies for their simultaneous reduction.


The brochure can be found here