Headline: News

IASS Fact Sheet

Digitalization in Africa: New Publication Opportunities and Obstacles

Digital technologies are important tools to facilitate the flow of goods, capital, knowledge, data, and ideas around the world. Many countries in Africa hope to bolster their economies by tapping into the opportunities offered by digitalization. However, they face obstacles along the way. A new IASS Fact Sheet offers a brief overview of different aspects of the digital transformation that is taking place across Africa.

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Automobile industry

Big Data Can Support Corporate Environmental Management

Faced with the challenges of digitalization and the climate crisis, many companies are keen to improve their sustainability. In a new study, researchers examine the potential uses of data analysis to strengthen corporate environmental management in the automotive industry. The study reveals that Big Data could enhance corporate environmental management in a variety of ways and that many of these opportunities are going untapped.

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Handbuch Klimaschutz

Knowledge for Action

The precise form a climate-neutral society should take and the pathways that will lead us to that goal are questions not just for scientists and politicians, but for the whole of society. Citizens must be involved in the transition to climate neutrality. A new handbook on climate protection (Handbuch Klimaschutz) condenses the findings of around 300 scientific studies and provides a sound basis for a future citizens' assembly for climate protection.

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Creating a global standard for sustainability reporting

For customers, investors and consumers alike, it can make a difference whether a company operates sustainably and adheres to ethical and ecological standards. Standardized and verifiable reports are needed so that companies can provide credible and verifiable evidence of their ability to walk the talk of sustainability. Reporting standards should present corporate contributions to sustainable development in manner that facilitates comparison and be universally applicable to companies of all sizes and types.

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Air Quality and Ozone: the Current State of Play

The threat posed by ozone to human health and vegetation continues to be a matter of concern for German politicians, scientists, and the general public. Participants in a workshop organised by the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) and the German Environment Agency (UBA) analysed the current state of knowledge on ozone and identified areas where more action is required. The resulting publication contains a catalogue of recommendations for tackling the ozone problem.

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