Headline: News

How is Covid-19 affecting the global economic order?

Scenarios for the Global Monetary System

Supply chains collapse, companies are facing bankruptcy, and mass unemployment ensues. Covid-19 has triggered a global financial crisis and is forcing states to develop rescue packages on a scale not seen before. In addition, the crisis has called into question the US dollar's hegemony and could redefine the global monetary system. A team of researchers from the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) has developed four scenarios that show how political decisions will shape the post-Corona world.

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Edited Volume

Involving the Public in Energy Transitions: Guidance for International Actors

Energy policy debates tend to revolve around the technical feasibility of shifting from fossil to renewable energies. But energy policy measures will only be successfully anchored in society, and lifestyle changes sustained, if they are supported by broad swathes of the population. Edited by IASS Director Ortwin Renn and researchers from the Kopernikus project E-Navi, “The Role of Public Participation in Energy Transitions” offers theoretical insights as well as practical examples of how participation processes can succeed.

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Coal Exit

At a Crossroads between Populism and Renewal: How the Structural Transformation of Lusatia can Succeed

Lusatia needs to tackle a double challenge in the coming decades: the loss of a major industry with the planned coal exit and the unabated radicalisation of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in the region. In a new publication, IASS researcher Tobias Haas discusses the economic, political and cultural reasons for the rise of authoritarian populism in Lusatia, while also identifying pathways towards a progressive renewal.

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Coronavirus pandemic

IASS Discussion Paper: Rethinking the Rules of Reality

The coronavirus must have many consequences: In the short term, we need to flatten the curve, so that our health system is not overburdened. We must take care of the sick and prevent vulnerable groups from becoming infected. In the longer term, we will have to rethink the rules of reality. Klaus Töpfer Sustainability Fellow Nicole de Paula describes in a new IASS Discussion Paper how, despite all the sadness, fear, bewilderment and frustration generated by the pandemic, it could paradoxically promote planetary health.

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Edited volume

An Unconditional Basic Income for a Sustainable Society

Could an unconditional basic income foster freedom and equal opportunity, curb the excesses of an age of acceleration and help to conserve our finite natural resources? The freelance curator, author, theorist and activist Adrienne Goehler has studied this question as an IASS Fellow. Her recently published book "Nachhaltigkeit braucht Entschleunigung braucht Grundein/auskommen" presents essays, interviews, stories, diagrams and artistic interventions from a range of authors.

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Global Sustainability Strategy Forum

Science and Business: Working Together for Sustainability

How can science and business help build sustainable societies? This question took centre-stage at the second Global Sustainability Strategy Forum, held on 22 – 24 March 2020. The event did not take place in Bangkok as previously planned due to the coronavirus pandemic. Instead, 25 leading experts from business and sustainability science came together online to discuss how the two sectors could work together more effectively.

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Hydrogen foreign policy

Hydrogen and the Energy Transition: An Issue for Foreign Policy

Hydrogen and hydrogen-based synthetic fuels (so-called e-fuels) are a hot topic in current energy policy debates. On 18 March 2020 the German government will present its National Hydrogen Strategy. Meanwhile, the European Commission is exploring the idea of establishing a European Hydrogen Alliance as part of its industrial strategy for the European Union.

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