Headline: News

IASS-Book Release: “Art, Politics, and Development. How Linear Perspective Shaped Policies in the Western World”

<p>In his study, Art, Politics, and Development, IASS economist <a href="http://www.iass-potsdam.de/people/dr-philipp-h-lepenies" target="_blank">Dr. Philipp Lepenies</a> contributes to the ongoing controversy about why the track record of development aid is so dismal. He asserts that development aid policies are grounded in a specific way of literally looking at the world. This “worldview” is the result of a mental conditioning that began with the invention of linear perspective in Renaissance art.</p>

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Professor Klaus Töpfer assumes chairmanship of the Agora Energiewende Council

<p>IASS Executive Director Professor Klaus Töpfer is the new Chairman of the Agora Energiewende Council. He is taking over the chairmanship from Rainer Baake, who has been appointed Permanent State Secretary for Energy in the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. In the Agora Energiewende Council, which is a think tank founded in 2012, top representatives from politics, business, organisations, civil society and science meet to discuss with their different perspectives the implementation of the <em>Energiewende</em> – the energy transition.</p>

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Call for international regulation of Climate Engineering

<p>Could Climate Engineering (CE ) be a policy option in a future climate regime? In the past five years, research on targeted interventions in the global climate has gained tremendous attention. Recently, CE was mentioned in the Summary for Policymakers of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (<a href="http://www.ipcc.ch/" target="_blank">IPCC</a>) Working Group I report. CE is also being addressed in the ongoing work of the IPCC Working Groups <a href="http://www.ipcc-wg2.gov/" target="_blank">II </a> and <a href="http://www.ipcc-wg3.de/" target="_blank">III</a>.</p>

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Arrived in the Anthropocene – the IASS congratulates Paul Crutzen on his 80th birthday and presents him with the title „Honorary Senior Fellow“

<p>Nobel prize laureate Paul Crutzen and Eugene F. Stoermer are among the pioneers who have described a new age – the Anthropocene, the age of humanity, where the human influence on the Earth system has become large enough to be a quasi-geological force in its own right. Human actions have contributed to climate change and sea-level rise, as well as the rapid decline of biodiversity and fertile soils. Paul Crutzen recognized early on that these interventions are a great challenge for present and future generations.</p>

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“The Role of the EU in the Arctic” – IASS and Ecologic Institute co-host 2nd ‘Mare Talk’

<p> <em>“Adding a complex political entity like the European Union to a heterogeneous region like the Arctic with its many actors, interests and institutions adds to the highly complex picture of the evolving Arctic governance landscape”,</em> states Professor Koivurova from the University of Lapland. This was one of the key messages of the 2<sup>nd</sup> ‘Mare Talk’ “Status Quo after Kiruna – The role of the EU in the Arctic” which was organized by IASS and Ecologic Institute on November 25, 2013 in Berlin.</p>

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Sustainable Fuels from Renewable Energies

<p>The extensive use of fossil hydrocarbons and their derived products in the energy, transport and petrochemical sectors is a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and it ties our societies to a dependency on dwindling reserves. In this context, synthetic fuels like methanol and higher olefins are being promoted as alternative energy carriers and raw materials that could be easily introduced in the existing transportation, storage and distribution system without incurring excessive costs.</p>

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