Cable conductor design for the high-power MgB2 DC superconducting cable project of BEST PATHS
The Best Paths European project investigates the feasibility of technological innovations that could advance high-capacity transmission links. These innovations include a demonstrator project dedicated to superconducting electric lines, which aims to validate the novel MgB2 technology for GW-level HVDC power transmission. This paper focuses on the research, development and design activities for the 10 kA cable conductor, which were carried out in the first two years of the project.
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Bruzek, C. E., Ballarino, A., Escamez, G., Giannelli, S., Grilli, F., Lesur, F., Marian, A., & Tropeano, M. (2017). Cable conductor design for the high-power MgB2 DC superconducting cable project of BEST PATHS. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 27(4): 4801405. doi:10.1109/TASC.2016.2641338.