Towards a toolbox for future envisioning memory practices
This chapter presents a selection of tools developed in the POEM project that can assist with participatory memory work in both digital and nondigital media environments. These tools can contribute to changing memory work, can help to strengthen social inclusiveness, and/or can facilitate reflexivity and thus enhance the potential of memory practices to envision possible futures. It is argued that the entanglement of tools and practices is an essential condition in achieving the empowerment and agency of members of civil society that comes when memories made by people gain visibility and become part of public memory. The tools described demonstrate the global interconnectedness of memories. Relational and situated approaches to evoking and empowering people to envision futures through memory-making are presented.
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Tran, Q.-T., Boersma, S., Chahine, A., Kist, C., Moraitopoulou, E., Mucha, F., Tzouganatou, A., Widmaier, L., Zwart, I., Kambunga, A. P., & Huvila, I. (2025). Towards a toolbox for future envisioning memory practices. In G. Koch, & R. C. Smith (Eds.), Future memory practices: across institutions, communities, and modalities (pp. 180-195). London: Routledge.