Dr. Anke Strauß
Dr. Anke Strauß works in the field of management and organization studies at the intersection between science and art. Her topics of interest are sustainability transformation, organizational learning and alternative forms of organizing. With her work, she aims at bringing together different disciplines to question conventional management practices in dealing with sustainability challenges and to experimentally overcome path dependencies. She led the project "Working Utopias" on artist-led organizations and the performativity of utopian thinking for re-organising the conditions of (creative) work. She runs the part-time master's program "Strategic Sustainability Management" at HNEE to support professionals in developing competencies for initiating and accompanying organizational sustainability transformation
At IASS, she is researching the role of aesthetics in processes of organizational sustainability transformation. For this she explores aesthetic practices - such as experimental future narratives or artistic approaches to organizations- with regard to their capacity to change current mental infrastructures and open up new ways of thinking about organizational practices.
- Organisational learning and transformation
- new forms of solidarity
- aesthetics and artistic practice
- transdisciplinary approaches to sustainability
- new forms of work
- relationality
- affect *spatiality
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- Strauß & Fleischmann (2020) Reconceptualising solidarity in the Social Factory: Cultural work between economic needs and political desires, Work, Employment and Society, 34(1): 109-125
- Strauß & Boncori (2020) Foreign women in academia: Double-strangers between productivity, marginalization and resistance, Gender, Work and Organization 27(6): 1004-1019.
- Peters & Strauß (2020) Hula Hoops and Cigars, Hiccups and Stutters Thinking with Film about Organizational Control, in: M. Kostera and C. Woźniak (eds.) Aesthetics, Organization, and Humanistic Management, pp. Routledge. 31-46.
- Strauß (2019) "Die (Wieder-)Erfindung der Welt: die Rolle ästhetischer Praktiken in pädagogischen Experimenten mit alternativen Räumen des Organisierens", in: R. Hartz, W. Nienhüser and M. Rätzer (eds.) Organisation und Ästhetik, pp.217-245. Springer VS.
- Otto & Strauß (2019) The novel as affective site: Uncertain work as impasse in Wait Until Spring, Bandini, Organization Studies 40(12): pp. 1805-1822.
- Abstraktion und Organisation: Wenn Funktionen der Form folgen, symposium "How to Act", University of the Fine Arts (HBK), Braunschweig 17. & 18.1.2020
- "Arbeit und Utopie: der Weg der kleinen Schritte", Vortrag und öffentliches Panel des Instituts für Aus- und Weiterbil-dung zum Thema gute Arbeit, Berlin, 23.09.2019
- "Together, not separate? Collective pratices in art and else-where", Museum Sztuki, MS2, Llodz, 10.10.2018.
- Speculative education: teaching alternative organisations in a business school, Standing Conference of Organizational Symbolism (SCOS/ACSCOS), Tokyo 17.-20.8.2018
- URBAN CHANGE TALK at Ordem dos Arquitectos (Porto), öffentliches Panel der Robert Bosch Stiftung, 18.2.2017.
- Affective entanglements in fluid work-lives: relational experiments and bodily awareness in performance art and beyond, Standing Conference of Organizational Symbolism (SCOS), Rom 10.-13..7.2017.
- „Politics of Affect - Die Rolle der Kunst in der Utopiepro-duktion", Un/Certain Futures: Symposium zur Rolle des Designs in gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen, Hochschule für Bildende Künste (HBK), 01.-02.12.2016