Dr. Anne Ulrich
Anne Ulrich joined the institute's science management team as a scientific advisor for quality assurance and evaluation in May 2024. She has previously worked in research and policy advice in national and international contexts, including at the Forest Research Institute of Baden-Württemberg, where she evaluated forestry policy and management instruments. As consultant in the field of agriculture and rural development, she was responsible for the management and implementation of multi-stakeholder development projects in the Middle East and North Africa. Her focus was on integrated resource management, adaptation to climate change, rural development and food security. In addition, she has conducted short-term expert assignments in Palestine and Malawi, and has advised the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) on technical and financial aspects of its bilateral cooperation programme with China. As a researcher at Heidelberg University, Anne conceptualised and implemented studies in the fields of livelihood dynamics, rural development and adaptation to climate change with a regional focus on East Africa. She completed her PhD in Geography at Heidelberg University in 2015.
- Human-environmental interactions
- Adaptation to climate change
- Land use change
- Rural development
- Integrated resource management
- Water, energy and food security nexus
- Sustainable forest management
- Evaluation, impact assessment
Publications prior to joining the RIFS
- Ulrich A, Döpper A. 2024. Diskrepanz zwischen Anspruch und Praxis: Erkenntnisse aus der Umsetzung integrativer Waldwirtschaft. Natur und Landschaft 01/2024:16-21. doi:10.19217/NuL2024-01-03.
- Ulrich A. 2022. Evaluation des Waldbautrainings: Umsetzungskompetenz stärken. AFZ-Der Wald 14/2022: 12-15.
- Kopp V, Ulrich A, Suchant R. 2021. Wie das Freizeitverhalten das Leben von Wildtieren beeinflusst. AFZ-Der Wald 06/2021: 20-23.
- Hoff H, Alrahaife SA, El Hajj R, Lohr K, Mengoub FE, Farajalla N, Fritzsche K, Jobbins G, Özerol G, Schultz R, Ulrich A. 2019. A nexus approach for the MENA Region: From concept to knowledge to action. Frontiers in Environmental Science 7:48. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2019.00048.
- Ulrich A. 2016. Livelihood dynamics in tropical drylands: Mixed farming, water management and market integration in Laikipia, Kenya. Heidelberger Geographische Arbeiten 135.
- Roden P, Bergmann C, Ulrich A, Nüsser M. 2016. Tracing divergent livelihood pathways in the drylands: A perspective on two spatially proximate locations in Laikipia County, Kenya. Journal of Arid Environments 124, pp. 239-248. doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2015.08.004.
- Ulrich A. 2014. Export-oriented horticultural production in Laikipia, Kenya: Assessing the implications for rural livelihoods. Sustainability 6 (1), pp 336-347. doi:10.3390/su6010336.
- Ulrich A, Ifejika-Speranza C, Roden P, Kiteme B, Wiesmann U, Nüsser M. 2012. Assets and adaptation: Livelihood dynamics between 1997 and 2010 in Laikipia, Kenya. Journal of Rural Studies 28, pp. 241-251. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2012.02.003.