Silke Niehoff

Silke Niehoff

Senior Research Associate

silke [dot] niehoff [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de
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Silke Niehoff is a research associate at the RIFS Potsdam. She received her Master degree on „Public and Private Environmental Management" from the Environmental Policy Research Centre (FU Berlin) in 2010. From 2011 until 2012 she worked at "the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union" and was responsible for a Project on the vertical integration of sustainability strategies and other projects in the field of sustainable consumption and resource management.

She joined the RIFS in 2013, at first as a research fellow, where she was involved in a BMBF research and communication project for sustainable consumer behaviour and in the conceptual development of a PhD program on "Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) as a Resource". From 2015 until 2016 she worked as a research associate in the project "Sustainable Modes of Arctic Resource-driven Transformations (SMART)" as well as in a scoping-project on "Sustainability Aspect of Industrie 4.0". At present she is part of the project "Digitalisation and Impacts on Sustainability" and will focus in this context on the question of how digitalisation can potentially influence the sustainability management of companies.