Headline: "The cheapest energy will be the best energy" said Prof. Rubbia in his keynote address at the 13th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit

Which political, economic and scientific transformations are needed to ensure a sustainable use of our natural resources at both the global and national level and taking into account the specificities of developing countries? In order to address ‘The Global Challenge of Resource Efficient Growth and Development’, the 13th annual Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) provided a platform of exchange and debate for the world’s best thinkers and policy makers.
From January 31st to February 2nd, 2013, Heads of State and Government, as well as leading representatives from science, academia, business and media, among which IASS Scientific Director Prof. Carlo Rubbia, gathered to deliberate on a range of issues pertaining to sustainable development (Speakers list). In particular, this year’s edition focused on the resolutions and policy options outlined at the Rio +20 Summit (“The Future We Want”), and on ways to ensure their implementation.
The Summit was inaugurated by H.E. Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India, and featured a number of thematic panels revolving around energy, water and food security, the economical aspects of green growth, mitigating greenhouse gases emissions, and adapting to climate change (Agenda).

Prof. Rubbia is awarded an honorary degree from TERI University

Prof. Rubbia participated to several discussions and gave a keynote address on scientific innovation and renewable energy sources, during which he stressed that “the cheapest energy will be the best energy”. Prof. Rubbia was also invited to the graduation ceremony of TERI University, and was awarded an honorary degree for his scientific achievements and unconventional thinking in the field of sustainability (press release).

The DSDS is organised every year since 2001 by the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), a leading Indian think-tank focused on energy, environment and sustainable development.

See also:

“TERI’s flagship Summit ends with international consensus on resource-efficient growth”, TERI press release.