Headline: Veranstaltungen in 2019

Generelle Informationen zu RIFS-Veranstaltungen finden Sie hier.

Dritte Generation Lausitz: Wurzeln neu beleben?!

Die Lausitz, der Rust Belt oder Wales – Regionen, die traditionell vom Kohleabbau geprägt waren, befinden sich in einem wirtschaftlich-kulturellen Übergang: Die Kohleindustrie fällt nach und nach als Fixpunkt weg. Wo das Alte nicht mehr richtig funktioniert und das Neue noch nicht sichtbar ist, macht sich das Gefühl der Krise breit.

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Online course

EcoJustice: Securing Our Future

What if our efforts to create a more just and caring world weren’t separated from our efforts to adapt to near-term social collapse? We face is a turning point between two futures: The Great Transition and the Great Unraveling. This course is designed to help us develop the capacity to prepare for both futures.

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Performance and Talk about Black Atlantic

Asadata Dafora / Koffi Kôkô: Straußentanz

In 1932 West African musician and dancer Asadata Dafora performed in the USA a choreography known as Ostrich Dance which to the present day has been of central importance for the development of the Afro-American dance scene. His movements were inspiring and continued to be developed by numerous choreographers as an African understanding of the body. Dance choreographer Charles Moore embodied these choreographic studies like no other before him, and through his widow these studies have been passed on to Koffi Kôkô, who connected them with his own dance tradition of Vodun.

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Relational ontologies in politics

Our understanding of being (ontology) affects how we imagine and build the political institutions. In this Deep Dive twenty people from different disciplines and geographic regions formed a common understanding and community around the importance of relational ontologies to societal transformation. The conversation weaved together various strands of knowledge from philosophers, political scientists, economists, commoners, anthropologists, patterns experts, systems thinkers, and sustainability scientists.

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Planetary Health: Scoping the German Research Landscape

The IASS is planning a one-day interactive forum to bring together key players from across the German and international research landscape who conduct research and policy activities that relate to planetary health. The goal of the workshop is to identify research gaps as well as synergies, and to canvass opportunities to embed the concept of planetary health more deeply in the work of IASS and collaborating organisations.

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Potsdam Summer School 2019

Interactions between science and society are at the centre of this year’s Potsdam Summer School, which will take place from 20 to 29 August 2019. It will explore the importance of science communication in order to find effective ways of communicating highly relevant topics in the field of sustainability and global change.

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IASS Workshop

Climate Change and the Politics of Disinformation: Implications for Democratic Governance

As the evidence for disruptive climate change has mounted over the last decades, organized attacks on climate science have grown, along with the production of large volumes of disinformation that has discouraged more decisive political action. This workshop examines the organization and the political aims of these attacks, the role of social and conventional media in their spread, and the importance of radical right movements and parties in providing visible public support.

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