Headline: Veranstaltungen in 2022

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Future Sustainability Week 2022

Die nachhaltige Transformation unserer Lebensweise wird nur gelingen, wenn soziale, ökologische und wirtschaftliche Interessen miteinander in Einklang gebracht werden. Umso wichtiger ist der Austausch der verschiedenen Sichtweisen und die Beleuchtung praxisnaher Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten.

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Commons-Public-Partnerships und ihr Potenzial für dezentrale sozial-ökologische Transformationen

Die lokale Zusammenarbeit von organisierter Zivilgesellschaft und öffentlicher Hand ist zentral für die Umsetzung transformativer sozialökologischer Politiken. Commons-Public Partnerships (CPPs) bieten eine Möglichkeit, diese Zusammenarbeit zu rahmen, zu fördern und auszuweiten. Entsprechend werden CPPs bereits an vielen Stellen intensiv diskutiert: in lokalen Transformationsprojekten, in der Wissenschaft und vereinzelt auch in Politik und Verwaltung. Mit der Konferenz im November wollen wir für diese Gespräche Kontakträume schaffen und die Vernetzung zwischen Akteur:innen aus allen genannten Bereichen voran bringen.

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UNFCCC Side Event at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

Innovative communication formats for mobilizing climate action

It is abundantly clear that communicating the facts of climate change is not enough to set climate action in motion. Climate communication needs to go beyond informing about climate change and move towards mobilizing and supporting climate action. In our side event we present a variety of communication approaches that aim to shorten the distance between science and policy, and between knowledge and action. We will then engage in an active discussion on how to make climate communication efforts more effective and action-oriented.

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Berlin Science Week

Dare to Act? Exploring the capacity of science to act

In the context of the escalating climate crisis, the role and capacity of science and scientists in society is being renegotiated. In this workshop, we will explore the spectrum of different roles that scientists (can) take on. With participants from science and the interested public we will explore: How do scientists position themselves? What tensions and concerns are associated with this? What expectations does the public have of scientists?

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Nachhaltigkeitsplattform Brandenburg

Nachhaltige Kommunen in Brandenburg: Wie weiter?

Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit auf kommunaler Ebene gewinnt in Brandenburg zunehmend an Bedeutung. Das zeigen die verheerenden Waldbrände bei Treuenbrietzen und Beelitz im Sommer 2022 ebenso wie Diskussionen um Extremwetterereignisse, steigende Energie- und Lebenshaltungskosten oder Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie auf das Gesundheits- und Schulwesen.

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IASS Research Project at the UN Climate Change Conference COP27

Co-Creative Reflection and Dialogue Space (CCRDS)

At COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, the IASS is offering for the third time a space for facilitated informal conversations. This time, most sessions have a thematic focus to the role of trust and fear at the COP. In addition to that Partners are invited to co-create science dialogues.

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Berlin Science Week

Jatun Yaku – Amazon of Rights

“Jatun Yacu” is the indigenous name, in Quechua language, for one of the tributaries of the Amazon river in Ecuador. As the Amazon river flows from its source to the Atlantic Ocean, it crosses four countries with different legal systems. This pilot documentary film traces the ebb and flow of rights in and of the Amazon across space and time, ethnographically exploring the question of what it means for a river to have rights, where these rights come from and what they might look like visually. It aims to show that while the notion of rights of nature may seem exotic to Western legal minds at first glance, a closer look reveals that the idea that non-human entities have rights is not new.

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Berlin Science Week

Torfitz. The Game for Structural Change

Torfitz needs you. New ideas must be found for the community and the region so that the future becomes sustainable and worth living. As mayor, nurse, entrepreneur and student you consult together with which ideas this can be done. Everything at the same time is not possible. There will be discussions!

“Torfitz” was developed in 2022 in the IASS research group “Regional Sustainability Transformations” in cooperation with “Playing History”. Here is the opportunity to get to know the simulation game and play it together on site.

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Berlin Science Week

Springer Nature Storytellers

Join for a fun evening of stories told by researchers themselves. Inspirational, captivating, and definitely surprising, you will have an opportunity to hear about and connect with the experiences of experts on the cutting edge of their respective fields.

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