Headline: Veranstaltungen in 2022

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China in the Emerging Hydrogen Economy

In March 2022, China launched its first comprehensive strategy for the promotion of its hydrogen sector. While China has a long-standing policy in support of fuel cell electric vehicles, the new strategy now also includes explicit targets for renewable hydrogen production, albeit at a relatively modest scale. It also emphasizes the need to expand manufacturing capacity and promote R&D in the field of electrolyzers and fuel cells. What are important drivers of China’s hydrogen economy? What is its relationship to decarbonization in China? What kind of support does the Chinese government grant to promote hydrogen development in China? What are remaining challenges and bottlenecks? How will it position China within the international hydrogen sector?

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DFG Round Table “Coastal Futures”

Anticipating and Transforming Coastal Futures - transdisciplinary coastal research in a global context

This DFG Round Table is part of the activities undertaken by the DKN Working Group Anticipating and Transforming Coastal Futures and aims to critically reflect on how transdisciplinary sustainability science focused on the coastal and marine environment is approached within the (German) research community. Participants are invited to discuss and together with the DKN working group develop recommendations for transdisciplinary coastal research.

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Plenarveranstaltung der Nachhaltigkeitsplattform Brandenburg

"Nachhaltigkeit in Zeiten multipler Krisen: Wo stehen wir in Brandenburg?"

Wir erleben Zeiten multipler Krisen: Der Ukraine Krieg, steigende Energie- und Lebensmittelpreise, wachsende Inflationsraten, und ein klimawandelbedingter heißer Sommer und zu milder Herbst seien hier als Beispiele genannt, die die Brandenburgerinnen und Brandenburger bewegen und sorgen. Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit rückt dabei oft in den Hintergrund. Jedoch birgt nachhaltige Entwicklung die Chance Brandenburg krisenfest für die Zukunft zu machen.

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GIGA-IASS Joint Webinar

Gulf Hydrogen Horizons: Why Are Gulf Oil and Gas Producers so Keen on Hydrogen?

This webinar examines the recent interest in hydrogen energy among political and economic leaders in the oil and gas producing states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The region has seen many new “post-oil” energy investments over the past decade, but hydrogen energy has recently spiked in interest among Gulf oil and gas producers – especially among the state-owned hydrocarbon giants in the UAE and Saudi Arabia.

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Dürre und Trockenheit als Folgen des Klimawandels sind auch bei uns spürbar und stellen die Region Berlin-Brandenburg in Hinblick auf die Wasserversorgung vor große Herausforderungen. Gleichzeitig steigen die Risiken für Starkregen und Überschwemmungen. Ein kluges Management ist gefragt. Wie gehen wir mit diesem Spagat und der wertvollen Ressource Wasser um? Welche Handlungsstrategien gibt es, um unsere Region zukunftsfähig zu machen und an die Klimafolgen anzupassen? Und welche Konzepte und Möglichkeiten hat die Kunst? Mit der AG Klimawandel und Theater möchten wir die Vernetzung zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft fördern und zum gemeinsamen Denken einladen.

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Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie als ganzheitliche Alternative

Wie kann die Wirtschaft einen Beitrag zur Lösung unserer gegenwärtigen Probleme leisten? Wie kann eine tief nachhaltige und verantwortungsvolle Ökonomie aussehen? Wie können Unternehmen und Nationen echten Wohlstand schaffen? Die Idee der Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie (GWÖ) versteht sich als ethische Marktwirtschaft, die nicht auf Gewinnstreben und Konkurrenz beruht, sondern auf Gemeinwohl-Streben und Kooperation.

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Transformations towards sustainability at the regional level

This workshop aims to broaden the understanding of regional sustainability transformations (RST) by discussing respective theories, methodologies, categories, and processes. We like to learn from a variety of cases and approaches to better understand the drivers and barriers to RST. Further, we are interested in the ways in which research (including inter- and/or transdisciplinary) can increase the potential for successful knowledge integration in policy-making and society. This workshop is open for social scientists from different disciplines.

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SENTINAL final event

Advancing energy modelling to inform a sustainable transition to climate-neutrality in the European Union

Over the past 3.5 years, the Sustainable Energy Transition Laboratory (SENTINEL) has worked with a wide range of stakeholders from policy, industry, NGOs and research to develop new energy modelling tools and further develop existing ones that can support the sustainable transition to climate neutrality. The SENTINEL platform consists of 14 modelling tools that can be used to explore decarbonisation pathways and trade-offs of potential future energy systems. Would you like to know what we have found out about the options for a transition to carbon neutrality in the European Union? And what the multiple implications are?

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