Headline: Veranstaltungen in 2023

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Lokale Ansichten zur Klimaschutzpolitik in der Bevölkerung

Welche regionalen Meinungsunterschiede gibt es in der Bevölkerung in Deutschland zu einzelnen Energiewende-Maßnahmen? Und wie können diese Haltungen in der Bevölkerung die konkrete Umsetzung der Klimapolitik beeinflussen? Diesen Fragen sind Forschende aus dem Kopernikus-Projekt Ariadne auf den Grund gegangen.

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Entry points for developing a hydrogen foreign policy: How to build partnerships and balance climate protection and geopolitical risks?

International cooperation between the EU and potential partners in the context of the emerging hydrogen economy is of crucial importance. This event discusses the key questions and challenges for promoting international cooperation within an emerging hydrogen economy while pursuing climate protection policies and accounting for the current geopolitical risks.

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DÁVGI CO-CREATE Reflection workshop: building a network for sustainable research relationships

The research project DÁVGI: Co-creation for biocultural diversity in the Arctic will hold the second instance of a workshop series aimed to further establish and strengthen a network consisting of Indigenous and non-Indigenous partners. DÁVGI aims to provide a basis for the exchange of knowledge and expertise to improve collaboration between Indigenous rights holders, environmental and other non-governmental organizations, local stakeholders, researchers, and policymakers.

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Stadt für Alle: Gemeinwohlorientierte Aufenthaltsräume

Wie gelingt es, improvisierte – und beliebte - Lösungen aus der Zwischennutzung in eine langfristige Gestaltung des öffentlichen Raums zu übernehmen?
Eine wachsende Zahl von Städten ermöglicht im Sinne einer nachhaltigen Transformation innovative Pilotprojekte und Zwischennutzungen vom „urban gardening“ bis hin zu „Pop-up Radwegen“, Verkehrsexperimenten und klassischen Zwischennutzungen brachliegender Grundstücke: Doch wie lassen sich erfolgreiche temporäre Lösungen in die Langfristigkeit übertragen?

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Final conference

New Sustainable Development pathways reflecting different societal perspectives

Achieving the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out in the Agenda 2030 requires holistic Sustainable Development Pathways (SDPs) that maximise synergies and avoid, minimise or compensate for trade-offs. The orientation towards this much broader target space challenges the IAM community to broaden their previous scope considerably. The SHAPE Project has addressed this gap.

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Study presentation

Green Hydrogen and International Cooperation

Lead author Rainer Quitzow (RIFS Potsdam) will publicly present the results of the study "Building partnerships for an international hydrogen economy. Entry-points for European policy action", followed by a discussion with Christiane Averbeck (Climate Alliance Germany), Markus Exenberger (H2Global Foundation), Maira Kusch (World Energy Council - Germany), and Andreas Rimkus (SPD Parliamentary Group).

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Tuesday Talk

The spectre of carbon leakage

Tuesday Talk “The spectre of carbon leakage” by Nino Jordan, appointed Klaus Töpfer Sustainability Fellow, shows that the spectre of carbon leakage - the relocation of emissions-intensive operations to escape regulation, displacing rather than reducing emissions - is a key barrier to high climate policy ambition levels. Carbon clubs and border carbon adjustments are the main instruments proposed to counter carbon leakage but they can only be implemented at a high level, there is high uncertainty about their prospects and they may lack in ambition.

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