Headline: Academic Articles - all

Schutz vor Naturgefahren

The paper applies the concept of systemic risks to natural disasters, more precisely to the combination of natural and human-induced disasters.

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Promises and perils of the Paris Agreement

Climate models aiming to explore how global warming can be limited to the Paris Agreement targets of 1.5 or 2 degrees Celsius usually invoke sweeping technical and societal transformations, including the extensive use of carbon dioxide removal tec

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Großer Bremser USA

The article analyzes trends in climate protection and clean energy measures. It studies the role of the Trump Administration, of the U.S.

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Ein Zukunftsfonds für Deutschland?

Germans are generally very conservative when it comes to investing and this in turn leads to low returns in times of low interest rates. Asset accumulation, among other things, motivates various sovereign wealth fund models.

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