Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholtz Centre Potsdam


Combating marine plastic pollution: Possible roles and contributions of regional instruments in strengthening global governance

Start time:
marine plastic pollution

Online Event via Zoom, Chatham House Rule applies

The purpose of this workshop is to discuss a) the opportunities and challenges of regional initiatives and instruments in combatting marine plastic litter and b) their possible roles and contributions as part of a strengthened international framework including a potential future global agreement to combat marine plastic litter.

The discussions of the workshop build on the results of an online survey which IASS researchers conducted in July among key actors affiliated with regional instruments such as Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans, Regional Fisheries Bodies, Large Marine Ecosystems, and Regional Economic Organisations. The survey provided on-the-ground perspectives of challenges and opportunities faced by these regional instruments when addressing marine plastic pollution.

The workshop will be interactive, featuring breakout groups as well as a plenary discussion in order to enable in-depth discussion. The breakout groups will focus on the following three key issues:

  1.  Addressing land and sea-based sources of pollution,
  2. Monitoring, reporting and informing policy,
  3. Cooperation, coordination and partnerships.

The results of this online workshop will be incorporated into a research report, which will contribute to informing international discussions and efforts, including the work of the UNEA. This research project is supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment and led by the Institute for Advances Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam, Germany.

Participation in the workshop is only possible by personal invitation.

A workshop summary can be accessed >> here <<

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