Headline: Basic energy supply – Building innovative bridges between tradition and global change

More than 3 billion people still rely on traditional cookstoves for lighting, heating and cooking at home. Most of these cookstoves emit dangerous concentrations of pollutants that first and foremost harm human health but that also have a significant impact on the global climate. Hence, this issue is at the heart of the discussion about the connections between air pollution and climate change.

Therefore, the International Conference on “Micro Perspectives for Decentralized Energy Supply” (MES), which takes place from February 27 to March 01, 2013 at Technical University Berlin, was established as an international forum to discuss the micro perspective of the technical, economic, social and environmental aspects of microenergy systems. The MES conference brings together leading academics from social sciences, economics, natural sciences, and engineering, as well as practitioners.

Dr. Julia Schmale, leader of the project ClimPol at IASS, will lead a session on cookstoves regarding “The Complexity of Cleaner Cookstoves: Challenges Ranging from Improving Livelihoods to Managing Carbon Credits.” For the second time now, the IASS ClimPol project facilitates a session providing another platform to discuss this issue among experts from a variety of different disciplines.

Besides Dr. Julia Schmale, Prof. Dr. Klaus Töpfer, Executive Director of the IASS, and Dr. Maheswar Rupakheti, team leader of the project „Regional Focus: Sustainable Atmosphere for the Kathmandu Valley" (SusKat) at IASS will contribute to the conference.

Micro Perspectives for Decentralized Energy Supply (MES)
Technical University Berlin
February 27 to March 1, 2013
