Headline: News

Global sustainability goals for cities

<p>Local government is often more flexible and more innovative than national government in terms of sustainability. For this reason, a separate Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for cities is to be developed as part of the post-2015 development agenda. Participants at the international workshop "Urban productivity &amp; resilience: A case for Sustainable Development Goals", which took place at the end of October at the IASS, argued in favour of such an initiative.</p>

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States agree to regulate marine geoengineering internationally

<p>Countries party to the “London Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes or other Matter” (LC/LP) agreed in mid-October to regulate marine geoengineering globally. The amendment was hailed as a historic achievement for the protection of the marine environment. IASS Project Scientist, Anna-Maria Hubert, whose research examines the legal issues associated with climate engineering, participated in the meeting as advisor to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).</p>

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All dates for the Global Soil Week

<p>Ocotber 25, 2013, from 11.00 a.m.</p><p><strong>Soil Day in Berlin with symposium, panel discussion and exhibtion opening</strong></p><p>The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Agro Coordination cordially invite you to the "Soil Day" on 25 October.</p><p><br />11.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.<br />Symposium: „Gone with the wind?! Soil protection between food security and climate change“</p><p>6.00 p.m. – 8.00 p.m.<br />Panel discussion: „The Truth from the Ground: we are losing the soil that feeds us“</p>

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Global Soil Week 27-31 October 2013: Losing Ground?

<p>Fertile soils are essential in order to achieve the most important global goals such as combating hunger, curbing climate change and securing fresh water supplies. However, we are currently continually losing soils: each year around 24 billion tonnes of soil are destroyed! With it, a basic resource on which life depends is also vanishing.</p>

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IASS-Release: "The Power of a Number: A Political History of Gross Domestic Product"

<p>Gross domestic product (GDP) has become the most powerful figure in human history and together with growth a fixed component of our political culture. In his recent book "The Power of a Number: A Political History of Gross Domestic Product" published by Suhrkamp Verlag, IASS economist Dr Philipp Lepenies asks the question "how": "How could a statistical construct which was completely unknown before the Second World War become so prominent? How could it establish and evolve this power in its current form?"</p>

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Competing with Suez and Panama? Outlooks of Arctic Shipping from global and regional perspectives

<p>Under the headline “Arctic Shipping in 2050: A Vision for the Future?” the participants of the second annual Arctic NGO Forum from 16 to 18 October 2013 in Brussels discussed the implications, impacts and potential policy responses on new and increasingly used shipping routes through the Arctic. IASS scientist Dr. Kathrin Keil concluded that “we have to be very careful with grand expectations of globally significant Arctic shipping routes.</p>

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