Headline: News

IASS Workshop on Concentrating Solar Power

<p>On January 22, 2013, the IASS hosted an international workshop themed “Concentrating Solar Power for electricity generation: Assessing alternatives, Opening new ways”. Under the chairmanship of IASS Scientific Director Prof.</p>

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Mark Lawrence highlights nexus between Air Pollution and Climate Change Policies at high-level EU conference

Europe needs to integrate its efforts to combat air pollution and climate change. This will yield benefits for mitigating climate change, and also for public health and agricultural production. Joining a high-level panel with EU Commissioners Janez Potočnik and Connie Hedegaard and the Swedish Minister of the Environment Lena Ek, IASS Scientific Director Mark Lawrence exemplified this with the case of Short-Lived Climate-forcing Pollutants (SLCPs) at the conference “CLEAN AIR EVERYWHERE: Blowing the winds of change into European air policy”.

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New Special Issue of "Security and Peace" on Climate Engineering Published

<p>The journal &ldquo;Security and Peace&rdquo;, the leading journal in Germany on peace and security studies, has published a special issue on climate engineering. SIWA&rsquo;s cluster coordinator Achim Maas is one of the co-editors of the special issue. The abstracts can be accessed <a href="http://www.sicherheit-und-frieden.nomos.de/1/current-issue-and-archive/2012/issue-4/" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>

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New Colleagues Have Joined SIWA, Working on Biosphere-Atmospheric Exchange Processes in Urban Areas and Normative Aspects of Climate Engineering

<p>In January, two new colleagues have joined the SIWA cluster, Dr. Rüdiger Grote and Dr. Harald Stelzer. Dr. Grote, from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, has joined the group of Dr. Tim Butler to work on modeling biogenic emissions from plants and considering feedbacks between vegetation and air pollution. This will support the research on urban transformation processes and their impacts on short-lived climate-forcing pollutants (SLCPs) with regional and global implications to air chemistry and climate. Dr.</p>

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Towards a sustainable global financial system – first workshop held at the IASS

<p>What transformations of the global financial system are required to ensure a sustainable development of humankind within planetary boundaries? The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam has started an investigation of this question. To support this inquiry, it teams up with the European research network <a>Global Systems Dynamics and Policy</a>, coordinated by the <a>Global Climate Forum</a>.</p>

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New publication about perspectives of sustainable development

<p>A new book of the IASS sheds light on the perspectives of sustainable development. The book, published by the German publishing house Metropolis Verlag, originates from a workshop at the IASS and is edited by <a href="/node/556">Judith Enders </a>and <a href="/node/71">Moritz Remig</a>.  An English translation of the book is in preparation and will appear in 2013.</p>

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IASS joins Climate and Clean Air Coalition

<p>The Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies has become an official non-state partner of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC). The CCAC was launched in February 2012 in order to draw attention to “short-lived climate forcing pollutants” (SLCPs), including gases like ozone and methane and particles like soot, and to help curb their emissions. Not only are these pollutants harmful to human health, agriculture and ecosystems, but they also play a large role in climate change - at present, their combined role is nearly as large as carbon dioxide.</p>

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