Headline: News

SIWA@ECPR 2013: Virtual Climate, Ethical Challenges and Self-Regulation

<p>At the 2013 conference of the <a href="http://www.ecpr.eu/" target="_blank">European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)</a> at the University of Mainz, scientists of the <a href="http://www.iass-potsdam.de/research-clusters/sustainable-interactions-atmosphere-siwa" target="_blank">IASS-cluster “Sustainable Interactions with the Atmosphere (SIWA)”</a> are discussing the normative and political challenges of climate engineering in the workshop “Climate Change 2.0?”. In this workshop, SIWA focuses on:</p>

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A British-German Expert Dialogue on the Future of Electricity Markets

<p>On 15 March, the IASS and the British Embassy in Berlin convened a meeting of thirty experts from Britain and Germany to discuss the role of renewable energy sources in future electricity markets. Both countries are currently undergoing major transformations in their electricity systems. The German Energiewende with the rapidly expanding share of renewables has led to a need to amend its successful feed-in tariff legislation to meet emerging challenges, both in terms of affordability and system integration.</p>

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"The cheapest energy will be the best energy" said Prof. Rubbia in his keynote address at the 13th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit

Which political, economic and scientific transformations are needed to ensure a sustainable use of our natural resources at both the global and national level and taking into account the specificities of developing countries? In order to address ‘The Global Challenge of Resource Efficient Growth and Development’, the 13th annual Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) provided a platform of exchange and debate for the world’s best thinkers and policy makers.

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Basic energy supply – Building innovative bridges between tradition and global change

<p>More than 3 billion people still rely on traditional cookstoves for lighting, heating and cooking at home. Most of these cookstoves emit dangerous concentrations of pollutants that first and foremost harm human health but that also have a significant impact on the global climate. Hence, this issue is at the heart of the discussion about the connections between air pollution and climate change.</p>

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High impacts, high risks: Further steps to curb climate change? Lecture by PD Dr. Mark Lawrence, Scientific Director IASS, February 27, 2013

<p>In order to mitigate climate change, actions apart from the reduction of CO<sub>2</sub> emissions are increasingly discussed. Approximately half of the global warming is due to climate-forcing substances such as soot, methane and ozone – without their reduction, the 2°C goal cannot be kept. In addition, there are now many proposals for interventions into the climate system, called “climate engineering” or “geo-engineering”.</p>

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Workshop Series on Local and Global Sustainability in Bogotá

<p><span style="background: white; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: &quot;Arial&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;; font-size: 10pt;">IASS is doing work on Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on the ground. The proposal for this international initiative, now pursued by a UN Working Group, came from the Colombian government (together with Guatemala and Peru).</span></p>

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One Year of Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC): Potential to slow global temperature rise

<p>At the occasion of the first anniversary of the <a href="http://www.unep.org/ccac/" target="_blank">Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)</a><a href="http://www.unep.org/ccac" target="_blank"> </a>on February 20, 2013, the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies – a non-state partner of the Coalition since December 2012 – takes stock of its own contribution to draw attention to “Short-Lived Climate-Forcing Pollutants” (SLCPs).</p>

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IASS to Host Workshop on Religious Perspectives on Climate Engineering, 24-26 April, 2013

<p>Climate engineering raises important questions about humanity&#39;s relationship to nature, and has occasionally even been compared to &quot;playing God&quot; in the popular media. To better understand how climate engineering can be conceptualized within different religious world views, the IASS is bringing together experts on the topic in a scientific workshop that will take place at the IASS on April 24-26.<br /><a href="/sites/default/files/files/workshop_religious_and_spiritual_perspectives_on_ce.pdf" target="_blank" title="Information">Information</a></p>

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