Forschungsinstitut für Nachhaltigkeit Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam

Ben Hofbauer

Dr. Benjamin Hofbauer

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter


benjamin [dot] hofbauer [at] rifs-potsdam [dot] de

Benjamin is part of the Systemic Risk research group, currently working as a postdoctoral researcher in the DIRECTED project. Within the project, he mainly works on the development and implementation of the Risk-Tandem framework, a transdisciplinary multi-risk governance framework dealing with climate extremes that aims to assess, evaluate, manage, and communicate multi-hazard events. Apart from this focal point, Benjamin further works on the ethical and philosophical underpinnings of assessing and managing systemic risks in general.

Benjamin holds a Master's degree in Political, Economic, & Legal Philosophy from the University of Graz (AUT) and Bochum (GER), as well as a PhD. in the Ethics and Philosophy of Technology from the Technical University Delft (NL).

Publikationen am RIFS

Publikationen vor der Tätigkeit am RIFS

  • Hofbauer, B. (2023). Systemic risks and solar climate engineering research. Integrating technology ethics into the governance of systemic risks. Journal of Risk Research, 26(12), 1383-1395.

  • Hofbauer, B. (2023). Normative Uncertainty in Solar Climate Engineering Research Governance. Ethics, Policy & Environment, 1-20.

  • Hopster, J. K. G., Gerola, A., Hofbauer, B., Löhr, G., Rijssenbeek, J., & Korenhof, P. (2023). Who owns NATURE? Conceptual appropriation in discourses on climate and biotechnologies. Environmental Values, 0(0).