Green Hydrogen Pathways in Europe and Africa: Sustainable Cooperation for a ‘Net Zero’ Economy?
3-4.30 pm Expo City Dubai SE Room 8 and COP28
Many countries have set ambitious targets not only for the domestic production of hydrogen but also its import. Given their significant renewable energy potential, a range of African countries represent important potential partners in this endeavor. Yet, uncertainties remain manifold, ranging from the development of transport infrastructure to questions of technology to an evolving regulatory and standardization landscape. This event will explore the prospects for cooperation between Europe and Africa. How can an international hydrogen economy support European and African ambitions within a future ‘net zero’ economy? What is needed to develop sustainable partnerships in the context of an emerging hydrogen economy? How can climate justice and sustainability concerns be considered?
- 15:00 Setting the scence: Green Hydrogen, climate justice and COP28 Angela Oels, University of Augsburg/DKK
- 15:05 Techno-economic role of H2 in EU and Africa Heidi Heinrichs, Forschungszentrum Jülich
- 15:10 Socioeconomic challenges/ potential for H2-perspective from West Africa Moumini Savadogo, AKADEMIYA2063
- 15:15 Hydrogen production, transportation, and end-use Chinnan Maclean Dikwal, Africa Energy Council
- 15:20 Practical factors for the implication of H2 projects Kirils Holstovs, AECOM/ Newcastle University
- 15:25 Enabling sustainable, green hydrogen in African countries Amos Wemanya, PowerSHift Africa
- 15:30 Geopolitical challenges in EU and Africa Rainer Quitzow, Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
- 15:45 Moderated discussion Charlotte Unger, Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam
- 16:10 Questions and discussion with the audience