Headline: Veranstaltungen in 2022

Generelle Informationen zu RIFS-Veranstaltungen finden Sie hier.

SCARLET Kick-off Meeting

With 15 leading organisations from research and industry, the EU-funded project Superconducting cables for sustainable energy transition (SCARLET) aims to develop and industrially manufacture superconducting cables in kilometric lengths in order to increase the pan-European transmission network capacity and electricity system flexibility. The kick-off meeting for the project will take place at the IASS on the 28th and 29th of September.

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Workshop & Roundtable

External Dimensions of Hydrogen Policies in Europe: Towards Greater Coordination and Stronger International Partnerships

Achieving the ambitious European hydrogen goals will be impossible without greater intra-European coordination and strong international partnerships along the hydrogen value chain. The 1.5-day workshop and roundtable will seek to promote an open exchange on hydrogen developments in the EU and key member states and how these might be mobilized for a more effective and more aligned European strategy.

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Kunst. Macht. Europa: New European Bauhaus – Ist der Bauhaus-Gedanke noch handlungsorientierend oder braucht es neue kulturelle Formen des Wandels?

Das New European Bauhaus ist eine im Jahr 2020 von der Europäischen Kommission ins Leben gerufene Initiative, deren Ziel es ist, den European Green Deal über Gestaltung mit unseren Lebensräumen und Erfahrungen zu verbinden. Dazu ruft sie Wissenschaftler*innen und Kreative auf, gemeinsam unsere Gesellschaft entlang der drei Werte „Nachhaltigkeit“, „Ästhetik“ und „Inklusivität“ zu transformieren.

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UN Ocean Conference Side Event

Marine Protected Areas and the success of regional seas conventions – delivering global commitments in the Baltic Sea Region

The Baltic Sea region has not only achieved but actually surpassed the 10 % target of MPA coverage. Now the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) is becoming a frontrunner in using Other Effective Conservation Measures (OECMs), which promote biodiversity conservation outside of protected areas.
The side event highlights Marine Protected Areas (MPA) as a concrete example of the instrumental role of the regional seas conventions in implementing SDG14 in particular and other global commitments in general, at the macro-regional and sea-basin levels.

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