Headline: News

BMBF status conference on CO₂ as a chemical feedstock

<p><img alt="" class="image-iass_large editor_image" height="335" src="/sites/default/files/styles/iass_large/public/inline_images/co2-statuskonferenz.jpg?itok=So5xHYgQ" width="460" /></p><p> </p><p>Carbon dioxide (CO₂) is more than waste and a climate pollutant: Several usage alternatives for CO₂are being explored in research projects in scientific institutions and in the industry. The BMBF is supporting these efforts as part of the “Hightech-Strategie” of the Federal Government.     </p>

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Towards better protection of the High Seas

<p><img alt="" class="image-iass_large editor_image" height="257" src="/sites/default/files/styles/iass_large/public/inline_images/_jbm3402.jpg?itok=NBTYot0s" width="460" /></p><p> </p><p><strong>At a workshop with Federal Minister of the Environment Peter Altmaier on 20 -21 March 2013, leading international scientists and high-ranking representatives of policy, NGOs and international organisations developed strategies for better protection of the oceans.  </strong></p>

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Fostering Future Green Energy : Scientific Director Carlo Rubbia visits MASDAR in the United Arab Emirates

<p><img alt="" class="image-iass_large editor_image" height="345" src="/sites/default/files/styles/iass_large/public/inline_images/shams_1_solar_field_.jpeg?itok=XJ4lQDt0" title="The Shams 1 CSP power plant" width="460" /></p><p>On the occasion of the opening of the largest solar power plant in the Middle East, IASS Scientific Director Prof. Carlo Rubbia has paid a three-day visit to the United Arab Emirates.</p>

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„International Governance of Geoengineering“: Panel discussion at the German Environment Ministry with IASS Director Mark Lawrence

<p>Could climate change be combatted with measures like ocean iron fertilization or injection of aerosols into the atmosphere? What would be the consequences? With international climate policy progressing only slowly, measures to directly affecting the global climate are increasingly discussed. Such measures are called geo- or climate engineering. But who decides about their deployment? And what regulations are necessary and feasible?</p>

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Advancing ocean governance: French-German Workshop at the IASS with Federal Environment Minister Peter Altmaier

<p>Almost two-thirds of the global ocean – the high seas beyond nations’ borders – is without an overarching agreement to protect marine biodiversity or to regulate its sustainable use. In light of this worrying situation, world leaders at the Rio+20 Earth Summit agreed to set a deadline –December 2014– by which time the United Nations will make a decision on how to better protect the high seas.</p>

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