Report on global connections in ocean NETs In this paper, we asked: Why is farming seaweed an all-purpose solution to the Earth’s problems? Who is making such a claim, and with what background assumptions about seaweed, farming, and the planet?
A comparative study of the sociotechnical imaginaries of marine geoengineering In this report, we claim that although there is no national deployment or consultation program for OceanNETs in the US, Germany, or Australia, the very idea is sufficiently open-ended to accommodate and even federate different development pathways
Sustaining, nurturing, shaping: utilising conflict transformation processes for overcoming the climate crisis The interconnectedness of climate change and conflicts is manifold and increasingly being addressed in politics and research.
Reflection Note: Incentivising hydrogen demand: Critical challenges and opportunities for EU policy The European Union has recognised hydrogen as essential for industrial decarbonization and for achieving its climate goals.
Impulse für die urbane Verkehrswende – Eine Ideensammlung aus dem Forschungsprojekt EXPERI Auf den folgenden Seiten finden Sie kurze Einblicke in zentrale Forschungsergebnisse und insgesamt 18 Vorschläge für die zukünftige Gestaltung von Transformationsprozessen im Bereich Mobilität und Verkehr.
Die deutsche Wasserstoffstrategie : Deutschlands Industriestandort im Rahmen der globalen Energietransformation sichern
La stratégie allemande de l'hydrogène : Préserver la compétitivité de lʿindustrie dans le cadre de la transition énergétique mondiale
Report on regional and global governance challenges and opportunities for emerging ocean-based NETs This deliverable is a synthesis report of the research undertaken in OceanNETs Task 2.2.
Meeting Climate Targets: How Far have Leading Countries Progressed in the Transition to Carbon-free Energy for Heating, Road Transport, and Electricity? Even pioneering nations lag in systemic change toward full decarbonization, yet their examples show that acceleration is possible.
Good governance of marine carbon dioxide removal, Policy Brief Enhancing the ocean’s ability to sequester and store carbon dioxide has been proposed to contribute to the global climate strategy towards carbon neutrality.
Mobilizing Europe's Full Hydrogen Potential: Entry-Points for Action by the EU and Its Member States This policy paper takes stock of ongoing hydrogen policy developments in Europe, placing particular attention on how the European Union (EU) can most effectively mobilize its domestic hydrogen potential.
Polycrisis Research and Action Roadmap 2024: Gaps, opportunities, and priorities for polycrisis research and action This Roadmap, a collaboration between the Cascade Institute, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, the Research Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, and the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, presents a plan
Superblocks – zwischen Verkehrsberuhigung und nachhaltiger Transformation des öffentlichen Raumes: Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojektes TuneOurBlock
Understanding EU policies and the EU Green Deal: A policy mapping and scoping of institutional barriers within EU governance. PermaGov Deliverable 2.1 The PermaGov Deliverable focuses on exploring the EU policy landscape within the context of the European Green Deal (EGD), structured around four regime complexes: marine life, marine plastics, marine energy, and maritime transport.
CrossGov - Coherent and Cross-compliant Ocean Governance for Delivering the EU Green Deal for European Seas : EU and international policy landscape - Mapping EU policies and Green Dealobjectives: general observations for policy coherence in the CrossGov D2.1 EU and international policy landscape - Mapping EU policies and Green Deal objectives: general observations for policy coherence in the marine domain aims to provide a mapping of the European Green Deal policy landscape relevant to t
Unsere Energiewende? Wie Beteiligung vor Ort die Transformation gestaltbar macht Zentrale Aushandlungs- und Gestaltungsprozesse in der Energiewende finden vor Ort in den Regionen und Kommunen statt.
Towards Arctic Research Upholding Indigenous Peoples’ Rights: Recommendations for ICARP IV, the International Conference on Arctic Research Planning Key message: A decolonial approach is needed to fulfil IASC’s commitment to recognizing that Traditional Knowledge, Indigenous Knowledge and academic scientific knowledge are co-equal and complementary knowledge systems that all can and should inf
Summary report of workshop II on governance for ocean-based negative emissions technologies This deliverable provides a summary of a two-day expert workshop conducted in hybrid format.
Deliverable 5.2: Case study key findings This deliverable 5.2 is a compilation of novel research of 16 coal-and-carbon-intensive regions (CCIRs). These case studies were carried under the umbrella of the Tipping Plus project from 2020 until 2023.
Deliverable 5.1: Literature review advancing the state of the art on the characterisation of social-ecological regional energy systems This is the first Deliverable (D5.1) of the Work Package 5 (WP5) whose aim is to improve the understanding of the concept(s) of a region to be applied in regional socio-ecological energy systems.
Towards transformative emergence. Research challenges for enabling social-ecological tipping points toward regional sustainability transformations A crucial task to accelerate global decarbonisation is to understand how to enable fast, equitable, low-carbon transformations in those regions of the world most intensive in the production and use of fossil fuels.
Enacting positive tipping poitns to accelerate low-carbon, clean energy transformations in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions (CCRIs)
Test mining in the Area: Legal, regulatory, environmental governance and scientific perspectives Die Internationale Meeresbodenbehörde, ISA, handelt im Namen der gesamten Menschheit und kontrolliert das Gebiet und seine mineralischen Vorkommen, das gemeinsame Erbe der Menschheit.
Towards a standardised approach to Regional Environmental Management Plans in the Area Wir befinden uns in der Vorbereitungsphase für eine neue industrielle Aktivität, die Gewinnung von mineralienreichem Substrat aus dem Meeresboden im "Gebiet" ("the Area"), dem Meeresboden außerhalb der Grenzen der nationalen Gerichtsbarkeit.
The benefit sharing regime of the International Seabed Authority Die Mitgliedstaaten der Internationalen Meeresbodenbehörde verhandeln derzeit über einen umfassenden Kodex für den Abbau mineralischer Rohstoffe wie Manganknollen, Massivsulfide und kobaltreicher Krusten im Meeresbodengebiet jenseits der Grenzen n
SOS-ZEROPOL2030: D2.2 The EU Governance Landscape for Zero Marine Pollution : Overview of the existing EU governance arrangements and the best practices and constraints of governance efforts to achieve zero marine pollution The European Union’s (EU) Zero Pollution Action Plan, adopted in May 2021, aims to drastically reduce pollution in air, water and soil.
Klimapolitik und soziale Gerechtigkeit. Wie die deutsche Bevölkerung Zielkonflikte in der Transformation wahrnimmt Deutschland will bis 2045 klimaneutral sein. Ohne den Rückhalt der Bevölkerung wird dieses Ziel nicht zu erreichen sein.
Umsetzbarkeit der Stromwende: Regionale Potenziale Erneuerbarer Energien und gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz Das vorliegende Ariadne-Kurzdossier verbindet verschiedene Perspektiven, die für den Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien eine erhebliche Rolle spielen: Flächenpotenziale und estaltungsmöglichkeiten der räumlichen Steuerung des Zubaus und Rückwirkunge
Global Assembly on the Climate and Ecological Crisis Evaluation Report The Global Assembly on the Climate and Ecological Emergency was a pioneering civil society-led initiative.
Time to evaluate: Towards the second periodic review of the International Seabed Authority This Policy Brief highlights lessons learned from the last period review process, explains why it is timely and relevant for the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) to launch this review, and provides recommendations to ensure the
Hydrogen in the Nordics : Drivers of European cooperation? Under the European Green Deal, hydrogen plays a central role in the decarbonisation of so-called »hard-to-electrify« sectors and represents an important target of green industrial policy, as Europe seeks to gain leadership in this emerging segment
Akzeptanzforschung in den Kopernikus-Projekten - Gemeinsam für eine sozial robuste Energiewende Akzeptanz ist ein zentraler Erfolgsfaktor für die Energiewende.
CCU TEA and LCA Guidance 2023 – A Harmonized Approach The Global CO2 Initiative hosted the 2023 TEA/LCA Workshop on Harmonizing CCU Assessments on May 16-18.
SOS-Zeropol2030: Deliverable D2.1 ‘The EU Zero Pollution Ambition’ The overall aim of SOS-ZEROPOL2030 is to develop a holistic zero pollution framework which can help guide the EU towards achieving zero pollution in European seas by 2030, focusing on the four priority pollutants: microplastics, underwater noise,
CrossGov - Coherent and Cross-compliant Ocean Governance for Delivering the EU Green Deal for European Seas : Scoping: Concretising the policy targets and developing key scenarios. Deliverable 1.1 The report presents the initial findings of T1.1 of the CrossGov project on improving coherence in marine policies within the framework of the European Green Deal (EGD).
CrossGov - Coherent and Cross-compliant Ocean Governance for Delivering the EU Green Deal for European Seas : Policy Brief on Coherent and Cross-compliant Ocean Governance for Delivering the Green Deal for European Seas. Deliverable 1.2 The Green Deal is a package of strategies, goals and targets; realizing it as a whole requires that achieving certain targets does not adversely affect progress towards achieving other targets. Thus, it requires cross-compliance.
Soziales Nachhaltigkeitsbarometer der Energie- und Verkehrswende 2023 : Was die Menschen in Deutschland bewegt - Ergebnisse einer Panelstudie zu den Themen Energie und Verkehr Das Soziale Nachhaltigkeitsbarometer untersucht die gesellschaftlichen Dimensionen der Energie- und Verkehrswende.
Comprehensive Policy-Brief to the EU Commission: Roadmap to Decolonial Arctic Research The "Comprehensive Policy Brief to the EU Commission - Roadmap to Decolonial Arctic Research" is an evidence-based tool for achieving decolonial innovation in methodology and funding mechanisms in the Arctic research landscape, including the natur
Benefits and Challenges of Expanding the G7 Climate Club to a G20 Climate Club At the end of 2022, the G7 countries launched a so-called climate club.
Building partnerships for an international hydrogen economy : Entry-points for European policy action This paper discusses the key questions and challenges for promoting international cooperation between the EU and potential international partners within an emerging hydrogen economy.
Partnerschaften für eine internationale Wasserstoffwirtschaft : Ansatzpunkte für die europäische Politik In diesem Grundsatzpapier werden die zentralen Fragen und Herausforderungen diskutiert, die sich im Aufbau von Kooperationen zwischen der EU und potenziellen internationalen Partnern in der entstehenden Wasserstoffwirtschaft stellen.
Quo vadis Klimapolitik? Bürgerperspektiven auf Politikoptionen in Energie und Verkehr In dieser Analyse untersuchen wir in zwei parallel durchgeführten Befragungen im Rahmen der Ariadne Bürgerdeliberation und einer repräsentativen Panelbefragung die Haltung der Bürger:innen gegenüber verschiedenen Politikoptionen in den Bereichen V
Deliverable 7.2: Full Project Knowledge Integration Report with Results, Procedures and Recommendations The Deliverable 7.2 “Full Project Knowledge Integration Report with Results, Procedures and Recommendations” aims to present the operational process of knowledge integration and key project results and recommendations on Social-Ecological Tipping
Lücken in der deutschen Klimapolitik – Herausforderungen für eine wirksame Langfriststrategie. Stellungnahme der Wissenschaftsplattform Klimaschutz Der Lenkungskreis der Wissenschaftsplattform Klimaschutz (WPKS) hat in dieser Stellungnahme sechs Themen identifiziert, die für die mittel- und langfristige Klimapolitik relevant sind und die Grundlage für eine Langfriststrategie der deutschen Kli
LOSLAND Zukunft vor Ort gestalten. Ein deutschlandweites Modellprojekt zu kommunaler Bürgerbeteiligung LOSLAND hat zehn Kommunen in ganz Deutschland dabei begleitet, mit den Menschen vor Ort einen Schritt in Richtung einer enkeltauglichen Zukunft zu gehen.
Issue mapping report : SHAPE Work package 1 This issue mapping report presents the results of the desk study. It starts out by giving an overview on the current state of research and already-identified future research needs on the knowledge of SDG interaction (trade-offs and synergies).
SHAPE Report on the first phase of the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue, June - October 2021 This report is divided into three parts. Part one introduces the project and the dialogue process. Links to the summary report of the initial SHAPE webinar and a synthesis of the questionnaire results are provided.
SHAPE Report on the second phase of the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue, 4 - 8 April 2022 The international consortium project Sustainable Development Pathways achieving Human well-being while safeguarding the climate And Planet Earth (SHAPE) is co-developing a set of quantitative target-seeking scenarios, the Sustainable Development P
Geographische und zeitliche Unterschiede in der Zustimmung zu Klimaschutzpolitik in Deutschland im Zeitverlauf Ariadne-Forschende haben deshalb auf Grundlage von zwei bundesweit durchgeführten Panel-Umfragen die Zustimmung von 26 Klimaschutzmaßnahmen auf regionaler Ebene geschätzt und dabei geographische und zeitliche Meinungsunterschiede sichtbar gemacht.
Gerade jetzt! Warum Teilhabe und Beteiligung für die Energiewende unverzichtbar werden. Impulspapier des Lenkungskreises der Wissenschaftsplattform Klimaschutz Auf Grundlage des im Februar 2022 erschienenen Jahresgutachtens 2021 haben Prof. Dr. Anita Engels und Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn des Lenkungskreises der Wissenschaftsplattform Klimaschutz im September 2022 zu einem Workshop „Gerade jetzt!
User-oriented evaluation. Deliverable 7.3. Sustainable Energy Transitions Laboratory (SENTINEL) project In this deliverable, we focus on the third and final step of the overall SENTINEL stakeholder engagement strategy and we aim (a).
Overcoming polarization in crises: A research project on trauma and democracy with over 350 citizens This report presents the results of a large group process over several days to jointly explore the relationship between collective trauma, social polarization and democracy. The process was realized in cooperation between Pocket Project e. V.
Polarisierung in Krisen überwinden: Ein Forschungsprojekt zu Trauma und Demokratie mit über 350 Bürger:innen Der vorliegende Bericht stellt die Ergebnisse eines mehrtägigen Großgruppenprozesses zur gemeinsamen Erforschung der Beziehung von kollektivem Trauma, gesellschaftlicher Polarisierung und Demokratie vor.
Strategic crisis management in the European Union Crises like climate change, the recent pandemic and the war in Ukraine have a profound effect on all of us. Crises are growing in number, severity and complexity, and at an accelerating pace.
Soziales Nachhaltigkeitsbarometer der Energie- und Verkehrswende 2021 — Daten- und Methodenbericht Dieser Bericht stellt das Befragungskonzept sowie die Indikatoren zur Messung der subjektiven Bewertung sozialer Nachhaltigkeit in den Bereichen Energie und Verkehr dar.
The QTDIAN modelling toolbox – Quantification of social drivers and constraints of the diffusion of energy technologies. Deliverable 2.3. Version 2. Sustainable Energy Transitions Laboratory (SENTINEL) project This report contributes to the modelling work in SENTINEL and beyond in three main ways.
Deliverable 3.3: Contribution to the Tipping Plus project's integration framework from a policy and governance perspective In the last years, the concept of tipping points received increasing recognition in social science and rose on the political agenda.
Achieving Climate Neutrality and Paris Agreement Goals: Opportunities for Ocean-Based Methods of Carbon Dioxide Removal
Sustainable Blue Recovery: Fostering Resilience for Marine Regions The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a significant loss of human life and degradation of public health and has increased food and nutritional insecurity and poverty.
The Future of Green Hydrogen Value Chains: Geopolitical and Market Implications in the Industrial Sector The global transition to a low-carbon economy will significantly impact existing energy value chains and transform the production to consumption lifecycle, dramatically altering interactions among stakeholders.
Soziales Nachhaltigkeitsbarometer der Energie- und Verkehrswende 2022 : Was die Menschen in Deutschland bewegt - Ergebnisse einer Panelstudie zu den Themen Energie und Verkehr Das Soziale Nachhaltigkeitsbarometer untersucht die gesellschaftlichen Dimensionen der Energie- und Verkehrswende.
Baseline Needs Assessment: Water, sanitation, & hygiene, energy, and food security evaluation in Bisagara and Rugurama villages in Rwanda In April 2021, under the “IMPACT R” project, IASS Potsdam and HEDERA Sustainable Solutions GmbH in Berlin, together with University of Rwanda and Sustainable Villages Foundation (SVF), conducted a household survey in two villages in Rwanda.
Models for the European energy transition: your questions, your needs! ; Workshop Synthesis Report This synthesis report presents the results of the workshop “Models for the European Energy Transition: Your Questions, Your Needs!”, held on the 1st of October 2020.
Model application in the case studies: challenges and lessons learnt. Deliverable 7.2. Sustainable Energy Transitions Laboratory (SENTINEL) project In this report, we showcase the applicability and usefulness of the SENTINEL modelling suite in the context of three case studies, as these have been specified in the SENTINEL Deliverable 7.1 (Stavrakas et al., 2021), namely: a.
Strategic proximity: Bologna’s Neighborhood Labs Bologna’s Neighborhood Labs (Laboratori di Quartiere) are the bedrock of the city’s participation network. They represent both physical spaces and permanent processes of participation and collaborative governance conducted at the district level.
Future Melbourne’s strategic planning Future Melbourne is a participatory process that aimed to draft 10-year strategic plans and visions to direct policymaking processes in the city.
Laboratory for the city Mexico City’s Laboratorio para la Ciudad (Laboratory for the City, or LabCDMX) ran from 2013 to 2018 as a participatory space with the goal of generating common understanding and prototyping collaborative processes between citizens, the government
Action Plan for a Sustainable Planet in the Digital Age Digitalization – the use and adoption of digital technologies – is driving massive economic, social and environmental changes.
CO2-Nutzungstechnologien in den Medien: Zwischenbericht zur ersten Statuskonferenz am 8. und 9. Juni 2021 in Berlin Als Teil des Begleitvorhabens führt das IASS eine Analyse von deutschen Printmedien, Online Medien und Social Media durch.
Kommunikationsleitfaden: Hinweise und Ideen für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in CO2WIN Innovative Technologien brauchen gesellschaftliche Legitimation und Akzeptanz.
mzansi.citizensdatamatter: Reclaiming self-sovereignty for all South African citizens’ data by 2030 Reclaiming self-sovereignty for all South African citizens’ data by 2030 This paper consists of eight vignettes, followed by a concluding section.
Summary report on Workshop 1 on governance for ocean-based negative emissions technologies Research undertaken in Task 2.2 identified a range of governance challenges to ocean-based NETs related to the global ocean governance framework, e.g., linked to the transboundary nature of the ocean, potential effects of ocean-based NETs on the o
Deliverable 3.2: Empirical observations of tipping dynamics in a coal phase-out region in Germany: the cases of Essen and Duisburg In this paper, we investigate the socio-economic transition processes of Essen and Duisburg as part of the wider structural change in the Ruhr Region.
DAAD TU Berlin Online Seminar, Energy Transition in Africa – Cooperations and Networks to Strengthen North-South and South-South Interventions. Report on Proceedings. 2021 The DAAD TU Berlin Alumni Online Seminar, Energy Transition in Africa – Cooperations and Networks to Strengthen North-South and South-South Interventions, was organized by the TU Berlin Alumni Program, in cooperation with TUB Institute for Energy
WP3, Deliverable 3.2 Guidance on the application of the precautionary principle in the EU The RECIPES guidance advises on how to deal responsibly with uncertain risks in the development and implementation of technology in the EU.
Safeguarding the Blue Planet – Eight Recommendations to sustainably use and govern the Ocean and its Resources Over 30% of the world’s population lives within 100 km of the oceanic coast. More than three billion people rely on fishing and other ocean-related livelihoods.
Capacity development for sustainable ocean governance. Lessons learned from academia, policy and practice What are the main challenges of capacity development in the marine context, and what are possible approaches to meet them?
Case studies from transition processes in coal dependent communities This report explores what a just and fair transition looks like in the four country cases of Germany, Poland, South Africa and Indonesia.
A Construção do Urbano-Territorial na Amazônia - Entendimentos práticos de Manaus e sua Região Metropolitana - Componente B
ISC-UNDRR-RISK KAN Briefing note on systemic risk This Briefing Note represents an integrated perspective of climate, environmental and disaster risk science and practice regarding systemic risk.
Making Sense of Techno-Economic Assessment & Life Cycle Assessment Studies for CO2 Utilization (Version 2): A guide on how to commission, understand, and derive decisions from TEA and LCA studies Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) or CO2 utilization technologies attract researchers, policy makers, and industry actors in search of sustainable solutions for industrial processes.
DISKUSSIONSPAPIER – Auf dem Weg zur Klimaneutralität - Neustrukturierung industrieller Wertschöpfungsketten Durch die ambitionierten Klimaschutzziele Deutschlands und der EU nimmt der Dekarbonisierungsdruck auf die ganze Gesellschaft zu, insbesondere auf die Industrie.
An Update on Low-cost Sensors for the Measurement of Atmospheric Composition, December 2020 The report reflects on the state of the art in terms of accuracy, reliability and reproducibility of different sensors used for the measurements of reactive and greenhouse gases, and aerosols, along with the key analytical principles and what has
Eine neue Ära? US-Klimapolitik unter Präsident Biden Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika erleben seit dem Amtsantritt Joe Bidens eine Kehrtwende in der Klimapolitik. Biden erklärte die Klimapolitik zum Fokus seiner Präsidentschaft.
The Latin American Atlas of Corporate Sustainability Initiatives The Atlas offers an illustrative compendium of sustainability initiatives at the company level in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, analyzing more than thirty Latin American multinationals in key sectors, namely, agri-food; Oil / Energy; Min
How can the legitimacy and resonance of climate assemblies in wider society be ensured? Citizens’ assemblies are relatively new political institutions that enable a randomly-selected group of everyday people to deliberate and make collective recommendations on climate policy and action.
Navigating Uncharted Waters: Russia's Evolving Reactions to the CBAM and the European Green Deal Many Russian stakeholders no longer fiercely reject the EU’s plans to tax carbon intensive imports, but look at the global decarbonisation efforts more foresightedly. Windows of opportunities for international cooperation appear.
Research Agenda Polar Regions in Transition. Concept Paper of the Mare:N Scientific Advisory Board, Executive Summary Leading experts from various fields of German polar and marine research presented an executive summary of the MARE:N concept paper “Polar Regions in Transition” to the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
Soziales Nachhaltigkeitsbarometer der Energie- und Verkehrswende 2021 : Kernaussagen und Zusammenfassung der wesentlichen Ergebnisse
Energiewende? - ja! Aber... : Kritik und Konflikte um die Energiewende im Spiegel einer Bevölkerungsbefragung
Integration of socio-technological transition constraints into energy demand and systems models. Deliverable 2.5. Sustainable Energy Transitions Laboratory (SENTINEL) project The decarbonisation of the European energy system is a large-scale transformation, which demands not only for a techno-economic feasibility analysis, but also for an assessment of the social and political feasibility and environmental impacts.
Integrated Ocean Management This paper makes the case for integrated ecosystem-based management, which combines value creation and the safeguarding of ecosystem health.
WP2 D2.5 Comparison of case study analysis with results of WP1 This report of the EU funded project entitled REconciling sCience, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders (RECIPES) will compare the results of the inter-case study analysis with the results of WP1.
WP2 D2.4.2 Inter-case study analysis, D2.4.3 Identification of issues cutting across case studies This document fulfils RECIPES delivery 2.4.2, the inter-case study analysis and delivery 2.4.3, identification of issues cutting across multiple case studies.
Deutschlands Zivilgesellschaft in der Corona-Pandemie: Eine Befragung von Vereinen und Initiativen Das Working Paper präsentiert Ergebnisse einer Organisationsbefragung zur Auswirkung der COVID-19 Pandemie auf Vereine und Initiati- ven in Deutschland. Die Studie zeigt, dass die Zi-vilgesellschaft mit großer Wucht getroffen wurde.
Marine Regions Forum: An international stakeholder forum to strengthen regional ocean governance The marine environment, subject to multiple pressures, is transboundary by nature. For ocean management and conservation, there is a need of enhanced collaboration and cross-sectoral solutions.
Offene Strassen: pandemieresiliente öffentliche Stadträume. Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Bevölkerung im Öffentlichen Raum bei beengten Wohnverhältnissen und bei Unterversorgung mit Grünflächen angesichts der COVID-19-Pandemie Diese Studie wurde vom Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg zu Beginn der COVID-19-Pandemie im Frühjahr 2020 in Auftrag gegeben.
Setting the course for a sustainable blue planet: Recommendations for enhancing EU action The European Commission (EC) with the European External Action Service (EEAS) launched the European Union (EU) International Ocean Governance Forum (IOG Forum) in 2020.
Art and the world after this This report is about the arts in the world after this. The world after COVID-19, the world after colonialism and globalization, the world after the digitization of society, and the world after climate change.
Mobility Policy and Air Quality. The effect of a new bike lane and community space on air pollution: a real-world experiment in Berlin Air pollution exposure in urban areas is a threat to human health. One of the largest sources of air pollution in urban areas is vehicles.
Mobilitätspolitik und Luftqualität. Der Effekt eines neuen Radweges und einer Spielstrasse auf die Luftverschmutzung: ein Real-experiment in Berlin Die Luftverschmutzung in urbanen Gebieten gefährdet die menschliche Gesundheit. Eine der größten Quellen der Luftverschmutzung in der Stadt – insbesondere durch Stickstoffdioxid (NO2) – sind Fahrzeuge mit Verbrennungsmotoren.
Klimapolitische Anforderungen an die Konjunkturpolitik in der Coronakrise. Stellungnahme der Wissenschaftsplattform Klimaschutz Mit ihrer Stellungnahme zum Corona-Konjunkturpaket nimmt die im letzten Jahr gegründete Wissenschaftsplattform Klimaschutz eine erste klimapolitische Bewertung der Konjunkturpolitik in der Corona-Krise vor.
The QTDIAN modelling toolbox – Quantification of social drivers and constraints of the diffusion of energy technologies. Deliverable 2.3. Sustainable Energy Transitions Laboratory (SENTINEL) project This report contributes to the modelling work in SENTINEL and beyond in two main ways.
Geopolitics and energy security of CSP deployment for domestic use and intra-European trade in the time of COVID-19 Concentrated solar power (CSP) is one of the few renewable power technologies capable of generating dispatchable electricity on demand.
Bürgerräte als eine zeitgemässe Ergänzung der repräsentativen Demokratie: Handreichung für eine Implementation deliberativer Bürgerräte
Orientierungshilfe „Good Practice“ für Ex-Ante-Evaluierungen von Klimaschutzmaßnahmen. Bericht des Lenkungskreises der Wissenschaftsplattform Klimaschutz Mit der Orientierungshilfe macht die Wissenschaftsplattform Klimaschutz deutlich, welche Methoden und Annahmen bei der Bewertung einzelner Maßnahmen zur Minderung von Treibhausgasen offengelegt werden müssen.
Verhaltensänderungen: Entwickeln sich kurzfristige Verhaltensänderungen während der Coronakrise zu nachhaltigen Verhaltensgewohnheiten? Bericht des Lenkungskreises der Wissenschaftsplattform Klimaschutz In diesem Bericht der Wissenschaftsplattform Klimaschutz gehen die Autorinnen und Autoren der Frage nach, ob sich aus Verhaltensanpassungen im Laufe der Coronakrise nachhaltige Verhaltensgewohnheiten entwickeln werden und ob man dies durch politis
Evaluation des Bürgerrats Deutschlands Rolle in der Welt. Abschlussbericht der wissenschaftlichen Evaluation
Maximizing the Co-Benefits of Climate Action by Enhancing the NDCs of Vietnam and other ASEAN Member States The update of Vietnam’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) can serve as a role model for putting the socio-economic opportunities and co-benefits of climate action into focus.
GOVERNANÇA METROPOLITANA: A construção do urbano-territorial na Amazônia: entendimentos práticos de Manaus e sua região metropolitana
Case specification and scheduling. Deliverable 7.1. Sustainable Energy Transitions Laboratory (SENTINEL) project In this deliverable, we aim to (i). identify and specify policy-relevant scenarios, along with the respective energy targets, and qualitative narratives to base modelling runs on, and (ii).
Model development to match ENVIRO, QTDIAN and ATOM to user needs. Deliverable 2.4. Sustainable Energy Transitions Laboratory (SENTINEL) project Although energy models advance rapidly in terms of technical and techno-economic details, social and political aspects and environmental burdens beyond greenhouse gas emissions are currently underrepresented.
WP2 Methodological framework for the case study analysis The overall aim of WP2 is to understand both the actual and possible application of the precautionary principle in eight different cases, and explain potential commonalities and differences in the application of the precautionary principle in the
WP2 Conceptual framework for comparative multiple case study analysis This document fulfils RECIPES delivery 2.1, the literature research for the multi-case study analysis, and covers the theoretical component of criteria for multi-case study analysis.
100 Social Sciences and Humanities priority research questions for renewable energy in Horizon Europe This report presents 100 research questions that have been identified by scientific experts as key priorities for Social Science and Humanities (SSH) research on renewables, in order to inform and support EU-funded research and innovation leading
User needs for an energy system modeling platform for the European energy transition. Deliverable 1.2. Sustainable Energy Transitions Laboratory (SENTINEL) project In this report, we identify the needs of the energy model users and the users of energy model results in policy, industry, civil society, and science, both in the present and future.
The hierarchy of the offshore US-Dollar system. On swap lines, the FIMA Repo Facility and special drawing rights This study conceptualizes international monetary hierarchy by focusing on different mechanisms to supply emergency US-Dollar (USD) liquidity from the Federal Reserve (Fed) to non-US central banks.
Deliverable 3.1: Policy and governance perspectives on tipping points - A literature review and analytical framework Our report is to be understood as a first step towards a deeper understanding of social tipping points and as a suggestion for indicators to be used in empirical case study analysis.
dena- Analyse: Klimaneutralität – ein Konzept mit weitreichenden Implikationen Wird Deutschland bis zum Jahr 2050 klimaneutral oder nicht doch eher treibhausgasneutral beziehungsweise CO2-neutral sein? Eines ist klar: Wir wollen den Klimawandel stoppen, haben uns dafür ein Ziel gesetzt und wollen es bis 2050 erreicht haben.
Ökologisch nachhaltige Nutzung mit hohen Umweltstandards in der Arktis. Umweltleitlinien deutscher Arktispolitik. Abschlussbericht Die arktische Umwelt ist vielen Einflüssen ausgesetzt, die ihren Fortbestand bedrohen: Der Klimawandel und seine Folgen stellen bereits jetzt viele Ökosysteme vor große Herausforderungen.
Techno-Economic Assessment and Life Cycle Assessment Guidelines for CO2 Utilization (Version 1.1) Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time.
Geopolitics and energy security of CSP deployment for domestic use and intra-European trade in the time of COVID-19. Deliverable 9.2 MUSTEC project The outbreak of COVID-19 has completely changed the European Union’s internal geopolitical landscape, including in the energy domain.
The use of energy modelling results for policymaking in the EU. Deliverable 1.1. Sustainable Energy Transitions Laboratory (SENTINEL) project Achieving the EU’s commitment under the Paris Agreement, the Energy Union Strategy, and the European Green Deal, requires a significant transformation of current energy systems.
The ‘triple dividend’ of early warning systems. Evidence from Tanzania’s coastal areas Early warning systems (EWSs) have been effective in reducing loss of life and injury associated with extreme weather events, but it is less clear what influence they have on other household decisions.
Database. Market uptake of concentrating solar power in Europe: model-based analysis of drivers and policy trade-offs. Deliverable 8.3 MUSTEC project This document describes the data underlying the modelling works for Deliverable 8.2 Market uptake of concentrating solar power in Europe: model-based analysis of drivers and policy trade-offs (Resch et al., 2020).
A macro-financial model of the Eurozone architecture embedded in the global offshore US-Dollar system Monetary union has been a centerpiece of the European integration project.
Corona-Krise. Volkswirtschaft am laufen halten, Grundversorgung sichern, Innovationsfähigkeit erhalten. Intervenieren, stabilisieren, stimulieren Die Corona-Krise stellt das Gesundheitssystem auf eine nie dagewesene Belastungsprobe: Ein ungebremster Anstieg der Anzahl der Infektionen würde vor allem Krankenhäuser an ihre Kapazitätsgrenzen bringen.
Market uptake of concentrating solar power in Europe. Model-based analysis of drivers and policy trade-offs. Deliverable 8.2 of the Horizon2020 project MUSTEC We conducted a model-based analysis evaluating the role of CSP in the EU electricity system up to 2050.
Innovations for Sustainability. Pathways to an efficient and sufficient post-pandemic future. 3rd report
International governance issues on climate engineering. Information for policymakers Some climate engineering technologies are being developed to remove CO2 from the atmosphere (carbon dioxide removal, CDR), which is expected to contribute to reducing and preventing climate change.
Private debt as shadow money? Conceptual criteria, empirical evaluation and implications for financial stability Some scholars have labeled the financial structures that faced a run during the 2007-9 Financial Crisis as ‘shadow banking system’ and have connected it to the emergence of new monetary instruments.
Ozonsituation in Deutschland. Wissensstand, Forschungsbedarf und Empfehlungen This is a write-up of an expert workshop held in November 2019 jointly organised by the IASS and UBA.
Observed trends and modelling paradigms on the social and environmental aspects of the energy transition. Deliverable 2.1. Sustainable Energy Transitions Laboratory (SENTINEL) project In line with its commitments to lower carbon emissions under the Paris Agreement and its own 2030 Climate & Energy Framework, the European Union (EU) has committed to increase the share of renewable energy use-around 15% in 2018-to be at least
Consideration of methane emissions in the modelling of ozone concentrations in chemical transport models. Final report Methan ist ein besonders wirksames Treibhausgas sowie ein Vorläufer von bodennahem Ozon, einem Schadstoff, der die menschliche Gesundheit und Ökosysteme belastet.
Pivotal decisions and key factors for robust CSP strategies. Deliverable 7.4 MUSTEC project Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) offers flexible and decarbonised power generation and is - as a solar power-based balancing opportunity – able to contribute to the transition towards sustainable and stable future electricity systems.
Interpretation of LCA results. A worked example on a CO2 to fertilizer process This worked example is part of a series of examples that are designed to provide practical guidance to the application of the Techno-Economic Assessment and Life Cycle Assessment Guidelines for CO2 Utilization.
Building an LCA inventory. A worked example on a CO2 to fertilizer process This worked example is part of a series of examples that are designed to provide practical guidance to the application of the Techno-Economic Assessment and Life Cycle Assessment Guidelines for CO2 Utilization.
A guide to goal setting in TEA. A worked example considering CO2 use in the domestic heating sector This worked example is part of a series of examples that are designed to provide practical guidance to the application of the Techno-Economic Assessment and Life Cycle Assessment Guidelines for CO2 Utilization.
Multikriterielle Bewertung der Energiewende : Nachhaltigkeitsprofile zum Kohleausstieg Der Bericht stellt die Resultate einer multikriteriellen Bewertung verschiedener Szenarien eines Kohleausstiegs in Deutschland vor.
Making Sense of Techno-Economic Assessment & Life Cycle Assessment Studies for CO2 Utilization: A guide on how to commission, understand, and derive decisions from TEA and LCA studies This report provides guidance to decision makers in all types of public and private organizations involved in the planning and development of CCU.
Strategic positioning of solar thermal power generation = 国家太阳能光热产业技术创新战略联盟共性技术开放课题 《太阳能热发电的战略定位》 The report is confidential and only available for the Chinese government.
Wegbeschreibungen zum klimaneutralen Energiesystem : Abschlussbericht 2019 ; Kopernikus-Projekt Energiewende-Navigationssystem ; ENavi
Influencing Policy and Civic Space. A meta-review of Oxfam’s Policy Influence, Citizen Voice and Good Governance Effectiveness Reviews As Oxfam International progresses to its 2020 goal of establishing a Worldwide Influencing Network, it has prioritized developing an evidence base to inform future programme strategies.
Marine Regions Forum 2019: Achieving a healthy ocean – regional ocean governance beyond 2020. Conference Report In 2017, at the UN Ocean Conference in New York and the Our Ocean Conference in Malta, Germany and the European Union announced their support for establishing a "cross-sectoral and cross-bound-ary multi-stakeholder platform for regional ocean gove
Abschlussbericht zum Enavi-Schwerpunkt Wärmewende. Sektorkopplung, Nutzerintegration & flexible, intelligente Steuerung Der Abschlussbericht stellt die Ergebnisse der mehrjährigen Arbeit im Wärme-Schwerpunkt des ENavi-Projektes vor.
Die Transformation des Stromsystems mit Fokus Kohleausstieg. Synthesebericht des Schwerpunktthemas #1. Entwurf Der Bericht stellt Zwischenergebnisse des Forschungsprojektes Energiewende-Navigationssystem (ENavi) für politische Szenarien eines deutschen Kohleausstieges vor.
A benefit sharing mechanism appropriate for the Common Heritage of Mankind. Workshop summary Der vorliegende Bericht reflektiert die Präsentationen und Diskussionen der Teilnehmer des internationalen Experten-Workshops „A benefit sharing mechanism appropriate for the Common Heritage of Mankind“.
Chile. Energy. An emerging key actor in the renewable energy arena. This case study ist an analysis carried out as part of the annual synthesis report on sectoral climate action Chile, with less than 18 million inhabitants, is becoming a strategic actor in the world energy transition thanks to its Northern Atacama Desert that contains great mineral wealth, mainly copper and lithium, and the country’s huge potential for re
Environment scanning workshop and report 2 (D5.22) This report presents the results of the third and the last workshop in the series “Yamal 2040” organised within Blue-Action work package WP5 “Delivering and valuing climate and information services”.
CS5 Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the engagement of stakeholders (D5.23) Arctic stakeholders are faced with uncertainty as to the future development of social, political, economic, and environmental conditions, not least due to the ongoing transformations inflicted by climate change.
Ecological safeguards for deep seabed mining. Final Report Dieser Bericht ist ein Ergebnis des Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojektes "Ökologische Leitplanken für den Tiefseebergbau", Oktober 2015 bis Dezember 2017, in Auftrag gegeben durch das Umweltbundesamt, UBA.
Renewable Energy Market Analysis. Southeast Europe This report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) explores the prospects for renewables to enhance national economies and strengthen the SEE energy mix.
Pfadentscheidungen der Energiewende Die Studie stellt verschiedene Visionen der Energiewende dar. Fokuspunkte sind dabei Technologieentscheidungen und die damit einhergehenden gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen in den Sektoren Strom, Wärme und Verkehr.
Towards a Contemporary Vision for the Global Seafloor. Implementing the Common Heritage of Mankind The open ocean hosts an inconceivable wealth of marine life. Most of it remains unseen and unknown.
Updated policy pathways for the energy transition in Europe and selected European countries. Deliverable 7.3 MUSTEC project In a decarbonised future electricity system, Europe will rely on fluctuating renewable sources, such as solar PV and wind power, to a much larger extent than today.
SAPEA, Science Advice for Policy by European Academies. (2019). Making sense of science for policy under conditions of complexity and uncertainty. Evidence Review Report No. 6. The report highlights the fact that many of the world’s most pressing problems are also incredibly complex — including climate change, environmental pollution, economic crises and the digital transformation of societies.
Governance of systemic risks for disaster prevention and mitigation. Contributing Paper to GAR 2019 Against the backdrop of natural hazards and disaster risks, the Sendai Framework articulates the need for improved understanding of disaster risk in all its dimensions of exposure, vulnerability and hazard characteristics as well as the strengthen
Das Kopernikus-Projekt ENavi. Die Transformation des Stromsystems mit Fokus Kohleausstieg. Endbericht In diesem Bericht wird die Transformation des Stromsystems als zentrale Stellschraube zur Erreichung der Klimaziele analysiert. Dabei wird die Dekarbonisierung, insbesondere der Ausstieg aus der Kohleverstromung, in den Fokus gerückt.
Mobilität, Luftqualität und nachhaltige Städte: Sichtweisen der Öffentlichkeit. Ergebnisse aus der Begleitumfrage zur Stadtradeln-Kampagne An der STADTRADELN-Kampagne haben 2018 hauptsächlich Personen teilgenommen, die in ihrem Alltag regelmäßig mit dem Fahrrad fahren (91 %).
TWI2050 - The World in 2050 (2019). The Digital Revolution and Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges. Report prepared by The World in 2050 initiative The Digital Revolution, including technologies such as virtual and augmented reality, additive manufacturing or 3D-printing, (general purpose) artificial intelligence, or the Internet of Things, has entered the public discourse in many countries.
Well Under 2 Degrees Celsius. Fast Action Policies to Protect People and the Planet from Extreme Climate Change. Report of the Committee to Prevent Extreme Climate Change Climate change is becoming an existential threat with warming in excess of 2°C within the next three decades and 4°C to 6°C within the next several decades.
Workshop on LCA/TEA for CO2-based Products. Summary Report On April 10th and 11th of 2019, a group of about 100 academics, industry experts, government officials, policymakers, and nonprofit representatives gathered at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor to participate in a workshop focused on topics
Workshop Report: Risk Perception and the Acceptability of Human Exposure to Pesticides The Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA) consortium and the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) organised a joint workshop on risk perception and the acceptability of human exposure to pesticides on 20 Decemb
Geo-Engineering. Untersuchung und Bewertung von Methoden zum Geo-Engineering, die die Zusammensetzung der Atmosphäre beeinflussen In dieser Arbeit wird der Einfluss von sogenanntem stratosphärischen Geoengineering auf die Ozonschicht der Stratosphäre mit globalen Zirkulationsmodellen untersucht.
Global Soil Week 2017: Maintenir et Developper les Resultats Positifs des Initiatives de GDT. Donnees, Connaissances, Actions; Rapport Atelier 1
Identification and analysis of promising carbon capture and utilisation technologies, including the regulatory aspects thereof. Final report This study was initiated by the European Commission Directorate-General for Climate Action, and attributed to a team of experts from Ramboll, the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Universität Kassel Center for Environmental Systems Re
Bundesrepublik 3.0. Ein Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung und Stärkung der parlamentarisch-repräsentativen Demokratie durch mehr Partizipation auf Bundesebene. Abschlussbericht Die Studie Bundesrepublik 3.0 leistet einen Beitrag zur Vitalisierung der parlamentarisch-repräsentativen Demokratie, indem sie ein innovatives Konzept für Partizipation auf Bundesebene entwirft.
Ansätze der Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung und finanzielle Teilhabe an Windenergieprojekten in den Ländern. Ergebnisbericht eines nationalen Workshops
High level review of a wide range of proposed marine geoengineering techniques While Marchetti (1977) was the first to propose using ocean density currents to transport and store anthropogenic carbon dioxide in the deep ocean, “marine geoengineering” first came to widespread public attention in 1990 when global headlines ann
Country systems and environmental and social safeguards in development finance institutions. Assessment of the Brazilian System and ways forward for the New Development Bank This report discusses the use of country systems by Development Finance Institutions (DFIs), focusing on social and environmental systems.
Energiewende braucht den Dialog mit der Gesellschaft. Statusbericht 2018 Die vier Kopernikus-Projekte zur Erforschung der Energiewende werden vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) gefördert und sind Ende 2016 angelaufen.
Techno-Economic Assessment & Life-Cycle Assessment Guidelines for CO2 Utilization Climate change is one of the largest challenges of our time. One of the major causes of anthropogenic climate change, carbon dioxide, also leads to ocean acidification.
SAPEA, Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (2019). A Scientific Perspective on Microplastics in Nature and Society.
Carbon Removal and Solar Geoengineering. Potential implications for delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals This report explores the potential implications which two groups of experimental technologies aimed at managing global climate risk, known as Carbon Removal and Solar Geoengineering, could have for delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals (
Arctic Stakeholder Map: Stakeholder groups involved in Yamal oil and gas development Blue; Action Case Study Nr. 5 The series of the Yamal 2040 Scenario Workshops is a part of the international research project “BlueAction – Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate” funded through the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme.
Abschlussbericht an die Stadt Norderstedt: „Nachhaltigkeit als Quartierskultur. Begegnen und Forschen in einem Netz von Ideenzentren – und darüber hinaus“: Empfehlung prioritärer Maßnahmen zur Erreichung der Leitziele des städtischen Zukunftsstadt
Multikriterieller Bewertungsansatz für eine nachhaltige Energiewende: Von der Analyse zur Entscheidungsfindung mit ENavi Dieser Bericht stellt einen multikriteriellen Ansatz zur Bewertung von Energiewende-Politik vor. Der Bewertungsansatz wurde im Rahmen des Kopernikus-Projekts „Energiewende-Navigationssystem“ (ENavi) im Arbeitspaket „Bewertung“ (AP11) entwickelt.
Deep seabed mining: a rising environmental challenge The sea below 200 meters depth accounts for 95% of the volume of the ocean, making it the largest habitat for life on Earth.
Skills Brokers in the San Francisco East Bay: Challenges and Opportunities for Creating Equitable Cross-Sector Collaboration Through Workforce Intermediaries This study provides a critical appraisal of intermediaries in demand-driven workforce development.
Germany–Latin America: Fostering Strategic Alliances for a Global Energy Transition Germany is internationally renowned for its Energiewende. The country has been an early adopter of new renewable energy technologies such as wind and solar, which are now fundamentally transforming its electricity system.
Geoscientific Contributions for a better understanding of the Arctic System: Report of an International Workshop The transformation of the Arctic due to climate change has wide-ranging impacts on the region’s people and ecosystems, not least because of the increasing accessibility of a more and more open Arctic Ocean.
Research and Dialogue for a Sustainable World: The IASS: Facts & Figures 2014 – 2016 This brochure presents the most important facts and figures on the IASS as well as a selection of journal articles and publications from the IASS Series from 2014 to 2016.
Fachgespräch „Segel setzen. Ein Erfahrungsaustausch zu wind-energiebezogenen Beteiligungsansätzen in den Ländern.“: Ergebnisbericht
Forschung und Dialog für eine nachhaltige Welt: Das IASS: Zahlen & Fakten 2014 bis 2016 In dieser Broschüre finden Sie die wichtigsten Zahlen und Fakten zum IASS auf einen Blick. Außerdem eine Auswahl an Zeitschriftenartikeln und Publikationen der Schriftenreihe aus den Jahren 2014 bis 2016.
Public Participation and Democratic Innovations: Assessing Democratic Institutions and Processes for Deepening and Increased Public Participation in Political Decision-Making In diesem Jahr widmete sich das „World Forum for Democracy“ (8. -10. November 2017) der Frage „Ist Populismus ein Problem?“ Diskutiert wurde die Rolle politischer Parteien und Medien im Kontext des aufsteigenden Populismus. Am 07.
Refutation of Say's Law and Dynamics of a Monetary Economy of Production In a monetary economy of production, Say’s law is not verified for many reasons.
Climate change, negative emissions and solar radiation management: It is time for an open societal conversation; White Paper This white paper resulted from a risk dialogue project with climate scientists and experts on the subject of climate engineering – conducted by the neutral and independent Risk-Dialogue Foundation St. Gallen between April 2016 and March 2017.
International experiences with tender procedures for renewable energy - A comparison of current developments in Brazil, France, Italy and South Africa Tenders are a fast spreading instrument for the expansion of renewable energies. However, there is aneed for current analysis of experiences and results as in many countries tenders were introducedonly few years ago.
Transatlantic patterns of risk regulation: Implications forinternational trade and cooperation How risks are regulated can affect domestic outcomes, such as the benefits and costs of protecting consumers, health and environment, and it can also foster or limit opportunities for international trade.
Long term air quality trends in Europe: Contribution of meteorological variability, natural factors and emissions This report follows up on earlier ETC work on observed air pollution trends in Europe.
Biologische Schulversuche im Lichte von Nature of Science: Bericht über ein im Rahmen des Lehrlabors Lehrerbildung gefördertes Projekt - Kooperation zwischen der Fachdidaktik und der Fachwissenschaft Biologie
Green Business Models and the Green Finance Landscape The present report includes two parts. The first part is a literature review that covers specificdimensions of knowledge about Green Business Models (GBMs) in respect of conceptualdefinitions and the assessment of GBMs.
Report of the "Workshop – Short Lived Climate Forcers: Pathways to Action" held on 19-20 March 2012 at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS)
Indikatoren für die Energiewende. Kurzstudie „Auswahl von Indikatoren zur wissenschaftlichen Begleitung der Energiewende“. Transdisciplinary Panel on the Energy Change, TPEC. Im Auftrag von: IASS. Endbericht
Accelerating clean energy through Industry 4.0: manufacturing the next revolution This report aims to start a conversation on how these priorities can be achieved, focusingparticularly on the potential of Industry 4.0 to help achieve the UN Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs) related to affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), indu
Eine globale Energiewende? Aufgaben und Ressourcen an der Schnittstelle von Energiewende und Außenpolitik An der Schnittstelle zwischen Energiewende und deutscher Außenpolitik entsteht ein neues Politikfeld: die Energiewende-Außenpolitik. Viele sowohl staatliche als auch nichtstaatliche Akteure arbeiten daran mit.
Partnering for a sustainable ocean: The Role of Regional Ocean Governance in Implementing Sustainable Development Goal 14 Partnering for a Sustainable Ocean: The Role of Regional Ocean Governance in ImplementingSDG14 highlights the major role that regional ocean governance can play in theimplementation of SDG14.
Tracking Germany’s Biomass Consumption: Scientific Underpinning for the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda
Can Use of Wood in Future Infrastructure Development Reduce Emissions of CO2? Expertise für das WBGU-Sondergutachten „Entwicklung und Gerechtigkeit durch Transformation: Die vier großen I“ The anticipated growth of urban population will require immense development of housing and other accompanying infrastructures.
Bürgerbeteiligung in der Energiewende - Grundlagen für eine systematische Erfassung der Beteiligungspraxis: Abschlussbericht zu Modul B (Bestandsaufnahme) des Forschungsprojektes DEMOENERGIE - Die Transformation des Energiesystems als Treiber Der Beteiligung von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern, Gemeinden und Städten an der Gestaltung undUmsetzung gesellschaftlicher Großprojekte wie der Energiewende wird vielerorts eine großeBedeutung beigemessen.
Meeting Report The Academic Working Group (AWG) on International Governance of Climate Engineering is aninternational group of senior academics who have been assembled to formulate perspectives on theinternational governance of climate engineering research and p
Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU): Klimapolitische Einordnung und innovationspolitische Bewertung In einer gemeinsamen Stellungnahme zur Novellierung der ETS-Richtlinie haben sich im Oktober 2015 sechs osteuropäische EU-Mitgliedstaaten (Bulgarien, Tschechien, Ungarn, Polen, Rumänien und die Slowakei) für eine Förderung von Carbon Capture and U
Air pollution trends in the EMEP region between 1990 and 2012. Joint Report of the EMEP Task Force on Measurements and Modelling (TFMM), Chemical Co-ordinating Centre (CCC), Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-East (MSC-E), Meteorological Synthesizing
The European Transdisciplinary Assessment of Climate Engineering (EuTRACE): Removing Greenhouse Gases from the Atmosphere and Reflecting Sunlight away from Earth. Final Report of the FP7 CSA project EuTRACE. Funded by the European Union’s Seventh
Assessment of the ecological coherence of the UK’s marine protected area network. A report prepared for the Joint Links [Northern Ireland Environment Link, Scottish Environment Link, Wales Environment Link and Wildlife and Countryside Link]
Potential for Outstanding Universal Value and World Heritage in the high seas. Advisory Meeting, IASS-Potsdam, 18-19 March 2013. An internal report to the UNESCO World Heritage Programme
Tagungsbericht Transatlantic Democracy in the 20th Century. Transfer and Transformation. 13.06.2013-15.06.2013, München, in: H-Soz-u-Kult, 30.09.2013
Carbon capture – a bridge into a low carbon economy? Evaluating capture technologies and their impacts. International Workshop Summary Report, 28.-29. November 2012
Rationale for a Latin American Solar Energy Research Center (CELES) : Report prepared by the "Latin American Solar Task Force" at IASS on the Potential of CSP in Latin America [With the cooperation of C. Rubbia (IASS), J. Martínez-Val (IASS), M.